February 23, 2025

Only One Thing

Later on today, at MInTheGap, a post of mine will publish that muses on the glorious job of a Pastor’s wife. I hope you’ll head over there and tell me what you think.

After writing that one–which, btw, I’ve titled Life in the Fishbowl–a verse came to mind along with (of course!) more thoughts!

“But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42

Why is it easier to be a Martha than a Mary? It’s infinitely more rewarding to be like Mary, to reap the blessings of rightly dividing our time…putting God first and having so much more of Him to spill over onto our earthly relationships.

So often we try to get by on just a little bit…we’re insanely busy trying to meet everyone’s expectations. We grab a verse here or there and end up praying mostly surface prayers for good health and material needs (vs spiritual prayers), till we’re spiritually tanked-out and going about “doing good” on nothing but fumes.

It’s easy to think that what really counts is what is seen/done in public. That as long as we’re busy doing “God’s work” everything will come out right in the end.

We’re spiritually short-changing ourselves. Go to God. Exchange your exhaustion for His strength, your questions for His answers, your anxiety for His peace. He’s got what you need, whatever it is.

It’s not enough to agree with me, and depend on good resolutions alone. Make time, make it a habit, and don’t let anything sidetrack you.

Maybe the only time you have to yourself, with a quiet house is at midnight. Maybe it’s during a long commute–hey the Bible on tape/CD is better than nothing. Wasn’t it Susannah Wesley who would sit amidst her houseful of ten children with her apron up over her head while she read the Bible and prayed?

May God bless you, renew you, and grant you grace.

3 thoughts on “Only One Thing

  1. oh yes, I so agree with you, I can sometimes be too busy but I’ve found a good time in my day to spend that quiet time with God, it use to be first thing in the morning before everyone else was up now that doesn’t work so I wait until they’re at school then I come back home to clean up then sit down with my bible and a hot latte – always works.

  2. It’s hard to get time to make sure what’s important is done. My kids have this habit of getting up as early as the first person in the house is up, and then, if that person switches back to sleeping in, they still get up early! It’s a challenge!

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