March 6, 2025

Chicken Fetticine Recipe

We’re having crockpot Chicken Fetticine tonight and it’s one of those unbelievably easy and tasty meals so I thought I’d post it here for you. My friend Jana shared it with me years ago and it remains a family favorite to this day!

Chicken Fetticine

  • 4-5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts–thawed
  • 1 package Italian dressing seasoning
  • 6 oz cream cheese
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 small can mushroom pieces (optional)
  • 1 (12 oz) package fetticine noodles (we like the spinach enriched ones…fetticine florentine)

Place chicken and Italian seasonings ONLY in the crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Add rest of ingredients except fetticine noodles, and cook for another half hour. Meanwhile, boil noodles according to package instructions. Serve over cooked noodles, or mix all together!

This makes enough for a family of 5 with leftovers, and it’ll stick to your ribs!

10 thoughts on “Chicken Fetticine Recipe

  1. Sounds tasty. But “6-8 hours”?
    By the way: have you heard about the new trend in cooking, called “slow food”? I have met one of the founders of the movement, an Italian, Carlo Barsotti (living in Sweden, he had a lecture in the school I work), and I liked the idea very much. I even bought his book :).
    More here:


  2. Sure, Amy, just send ME the royalty check!! 😉 This is a super duper family favorite and one I hadn’t made in a while…thanks for the reminder Mary!
    Ann~it is WORTH the wait. All the time in the crockpot makes the chicken truly melt in your mouth tender.

  3. So has anyone tried this recipe yet? :O) You know you are always welcome to print off anything from my site!

    Ann, I’m intrigued by your slow food…had to c&p this from the site:
    Why is it called Slow Food?~A nod to the contrast with fast food values, Slow Food is a reference to living an unhurried life, beginning at the table.

    Wow, I’m ALL for that!

  4. Found your site looking for references to slow food and landed on this page.

    I think that slow does not necessarilly mean slow, but is about getting back into the kitchen and cooking anything, rather than relying upon fast food and takeaways.

    I assume that your reference to a crockpot is to what we would call a slow cooker in the UK, whereby a pot is kept just at a slow simmer over the course of a day? It is especially well suited to the less tender cuts of meant (e.g. Skirt of beef). I am surprised to hear of it used for a tender breast of chicken.

  5. Yes, I’ve heard it called a slow-cooker also, so I’m sure we’re talking about the same thing. The chicken is so tender, it just shreds apart easily with a fork. We love this recipe!

    I was so intrigued by the “slow food” concept…especially in light of your definition. Fast food is a rare thing for our family, we love home-cooking! Thanks for commenting, I’ll be sure to check out your food site!

  6. Anything that involves one pot cooking gets my vote.

    Tonight I had just the most amazing curry, all completed in one pot (apart from some rice) and thought that I would share with you :

    It has been said that “this is the only curry recipe you’ll ever need” …I must say it is the best curry i have ever made at home, so try it yourself! You won’t be disappointed.

    The Ingredients

    – 250g (9oz) Ghee/Clarified Butter
    – 65g (2 1/2oz) Garlic
    – 1 tablespoon Red Chilli Powder
    – 1 tablespoon Ground Cumin
    – 1 tablespoon Paprika
    – 550g (1 1/4lb) Onions Chopped
    – 50g (2oz) Fresh Ginger, peeled and chopped
    – 900g (2lb) Boneless leg or shoulder of Lamb (1½ in) cubes
    – 120ml (4fl oz) water
    – 3 tablespoons Fresh Coriander (chopped)
    – 1 tablespoon Ground Turmeric
    – 350g (12oz) Fresh Spinach washed with large stalks removed
    – 4 medium sized Green Chillies with stalks removed
    – ½ tablespoon Garam Masala
    – 1 x 400g (140z) Can Chopped Toms
    – 1 tablespoon Salt
    – 1 tablespoon Ground Coriander
    – A pinch of ground cumin and freshly ground black pepper to serve


    1. Heat the ghee in a large, heavy based pan. Add the onions and cook over a medium heat, stirring now and then, for 20 minutes until they are soft and a light brown

    2. Put the tomatoes, water, ginger and garlic into a liquidizer and blend until smooth. Remove the fried onions with a slotted spoon, add them to the paste and blend briefly until smooth.

    3. Return the puree to the ghee left in the pan and add the lamb and salt. Simmer for 30 minutes, by which time the lamb will be half cooked and the sauce will be well reduced. Stir in the turmeric, chilli powder, cumin, paprika and ground coriander and continue to cook for 30-45 minutes for shoulder or 45-1 hour for leg, until the lamb is tender, adding a little water now and then if the sauce starts to stick.
    4. Meanwhile, put 175g (6oz) of the spinach leaves into a large pan and cook until it has wilted down into the bottom of the pan. Cook for 1 minute, then transfer to the rinsed out liquidizer and blend to a smooth puree. Set aside. Rinse out the liquidiser again and add the green chillies and 2-3 tablespoons of water and blend until smooth. Set aside.

    5. When the lamb is cooked, there should be a layer of ghee floating on the top of the curry. You can either skim it off or leave it there, whichever you prefer (leave it). Then stir in the spinach puree and the remaining spinach leaves and cook for 2 minutes.

    6. Now taste the curry and add as much green chilli puree as you wish, according to how hot you like your curries. Simmer for 2 minutes more.

    7. Stir in the fresh coriander and Garam Masala. Transfer the curry to a serving dish and sprinkle with a little more ground cumin and some freshly ground black pepper just before you take it to the table.

    Serve with your choice of rice, Naan breads, Poppadoms and whatever else you can cram in.

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