February 23, 2025

January: Get Organized Month

Yes, January is “Get Organized Month”.

I love being organized. I’m all for organization. It makes life so much easier…doesn’t it? Disclaimer: I don’t struggle with organization, I struggle with maintaining the organization!

The NY Times “Saying Yes to Mess” is a feel-good article for those of us that occasionally find ourselves with a case of the “Messies”. Though I did cringe at some of the jabs taken at Type A personalities.

An anti-anticlutter movement is afoot, one that says yes to mess and urges you to embrace your disorder. Studies are piling up that show that messy desks are the vivid signatures of people with creative, limber minds (who reap higher salaries than those with neat “office landscapes”) and that messy closet owners are probably better parents and nicer and cooler than their tidier counterparts. It’s a movement that confirms what you have known, deep down, all along: really neat people are not avatars of the good life; they are humorless and inflexible prigs, and have way too much time on their hands.

Ouch to that last statement.

Yet it does relieve my guilt over the fact that the only closet in my house with any order is the linen/game closet in the hallway.

Here’s a question for you. When you visit friends do you feel more comfortable in a home that is pristine-clean, or one that has the lived-in feel? Do you think any less of your friends whose homes are on the cluttered side? (My answer: No way!)

Amy at Amy’s Humble Musings posted some thoughts a couple weeks back in an article she titled, Obvious Correlations. She said,

“I think you can tell a lot about a lady by how long she takes to get ready, what the inside of her microwave looks like, and if she regifts.”

Interesting.  My microwave isn’t always clean, for instance, but it’s never gross. Does that count? I paint my toenails in the summertime (sandals), and apply makeup before going anywhere…so I guess being presentable to me, means 10-15 minutes in the bathroom.

And what exactly does this tell you about me?

That I take better care of myself than I do my microwave?

10 thoughts on “January: Get Organized Month

  1. I like MinTheGap’s response, LOL! Seriously though, I think there’s something to be said for balance, so your approach sounds right on. I like to think I’m balanced: my living room looks lived in but tidy, my microwave isn’t toxic, and my bedroom closet is a disaster. Hey, does that make me a cool parent?

  2. I have a strict policy that I follow. If it hasn’t been used in two years, chunk it! The only things I save are things my boys have made and their baby items. My hubby hordes enough stuff for the both of us, lol! So, organization in this house, well, it is a challenge.

  3. Lol, great response, MInTheGap…I’ll have to pass that one on to dh. :O) Has he ever opened the microwave? Hm…

    Yesterday, I bought a big under-the-bed storage box on wheels, something for my girls to store either: their Barbie (junk), or their miniature horse/fence collection (try stepping on one of those in the middle of the night). I also got some plastic bins for other “toys”…and honestly, we should just get rid of toys…rolling my eyes…

    Thanks for all the comments!

  4. I’m completely impressed by those Gingerbread houses. We didn’t even attempt them this year, though I’ve saved a ton of old candy for the decorations. Guess next year we might make a Gingerbread village. Hey, here’s a blogging idea for you. A blogging tour of Gingerbread houses!

  5. Looks like so much fun! I try to catch the kits in the after Christmas sales, but I missed out this year. Bummer. The kids and I enjoyed it so much last year.

  6. Hi Mary!

    I love the gingerbread houses, it’s one of those things that I know I’d like to do, but haven’t ever gotten serious about trying. Well not yet.

    I definitely feel more comfortable in a house that is tidy but lived in. I always worry about messing up something in the pristine homes. I usually have a clump of dog hair stuck to me somewhere!

    I too am working on a bit of organization, but I won’t be getting too crazy about it, I just don’t have the time to put in to it.

    Happy New Year.

  7. Gina and Paula, it is a great tradition! We’re going to attempt a Valentine House…can’t you just imagine how cute it would be with all the V-day candies out there? So maybe you can still squeeze in a Gingerbread house?

    Hi Shelli, thanks for stopping by and sharing! I’m with you…I do love a clean house, but can’t afford to be rigid about it with all the other things to do…
    Happy New Year to you too!

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