February 7, 2025

Do You Sculpey?

sculpeydogs1.jpgYou really should. It’s tons of fun!

My oldest wanted a dog themed birthday party one year…she’d just gotten her first border collie from Grand-dad, and was in doggie-love-land. So we made up some fun outdoor games to go with the theme, and then came inside for some Sculpey fun! The result? The dogs you see in the pic.

Hobby Lobby had all we needed…

The inside cover of the book has diagrams showing actual sizes of the step-by-step shapes you’ll form out of clay. I made copies of these shape guidelines for each child at the party. It was a handy reference for them, as they each chose different dogs to sculpt. You’ll need toothpicks, sharp knives, and aluminum foil.

Besides dogs, we’ve made Christmas tree ornaments (snowmen), a penguin necklace, polar bears…and have many more projects in the book earmarked for future fun!

This is a great craft for all ages. However, I’d stick your toddlers in their high chairs with play-dough so you can sit yourself down with the older kids and sculpt, worry free.

If you don’t want to invest in the book, try the library, or the web. Sculpey.com would be a great place to start!

4 thoughts on “Do You Sculpey?

  1. Brandi! So good to see you…I wish my writing was going as good as your writing was last time I visited your blog! I was doing really well till Christmas…now I need to get back on schedule. My ideas are going together, though I’m still working on that first in the series…trying to make my revisions come together! Thanks for asking!

  2. My kids spent an entire Saturday morning with a friend sculpting cute figures. I had to go some where and when I returned they were in tears. They had put them in the oven to bake and harden, and all but one melted into puddles. They haven’t picked up the clay ever since.

  3. They had the wrong clay, Gina! There are several kinds, you need some that has baking instructions on the package. Fimo or Sculpey clay are good brands. We’ve had the kind of clay that is just for fun, but it seems like a waste to me if you can’t bake it. Why bother? Just play with play-dough, right!

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