February 23, 2025

Grace For the Weary

In Bible class this morning, I was struck afresh at the Messianic prophecies in Isaiah. What an encouragement, comfort, and hope…for us Christians. Apply their soothing peace to your particular discouragement. Take this one, for instance:

“A bruised reed He (God the Son) will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish.” Isaiah 42:3 (parentheses mine)

Our God is a God of grace and mercy. He is a God for the everyday mom who is worn out and struggling. She feels guilty for not always making time for reading the Word, she feels a constant failure in certain areas. I know I’ve felt like a dimly burning wick, haven’t you?

Let’s address homeschool burn-out. It happens. In fact, if you choose to homeschool, it’s something you need to be prepared to face. Right up front, decide why you are homeschooling. Don’t forget that influencer. Hold it like a banner over those times of frustration and failure. Satan is not going to leave you alone, he hates anything good (of God) that has the power to change lives–including homeschooling. And he’s very good at discouraging, and at dangling temptations/lies before our noses. (If I didn’t homeschool, I’d have time for such and such. Or, my kids would be getting a better education elsewhere…or, my children are too challenging to homeschool) I know I’m coming on strong, but believe me, I’m preaching to myself here. (I know there are good reasons some of you cannot homeschool)

Five years ago, dh and I felt convicted that homeschooling is God’s will for our family. I know He calls certain ones to certain things, why not homeschooling? So when I get discouraged about the process, I remember that God thought I could do it. He has His reasons, and it helps me not to bail. ‘Cause this boat is a full load, let me tell you!

“I (God the Father) am the Lord, I have called you (His son Jesus) in righteousness, I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you, and I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon, and those who dwell in darkness from the prison…” Isaiah 42:6-7 (parentheses mine)

Wow! Christ is our promise, our light, our freedom. Hold my hand too, Father, help me to continue in this righteous calling, as your Son was willing, even to the cross. What amazing love!

“He (God the Father) has sent Me (Jesus) to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners…” portion of Isaiah 61:1 (parentheses mine)

Does your vision (whatever it may be) grip you as it did originally? Are you weary, brokenhearted, not up for the task? Find strength in knowing that God has your back. Over and over in scripture, He used the weak to confound the wise.

In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon writes of how there is a time for every purpose under heaven (eg: a time to tear down and a time to build up)–and later in verse 10 he writes,

“I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves…”

Verse 14a, “I know that everything God does will remain forever…”

What is your purpose in this life? We only have one to give.

Don’t let your discouragement bind you for a lifetime. Most of all, remember 2 Corinthians 12:9,

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore, I will rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

6 thoughts on “Grace For the Weary

  1. When I homeschooled I liked to think that God was our headmaster

    I am reminded of the verse Ecclesiastes 3:1 which talks about the seasons of our live
    For me right now being a sahm to my boys is where God has placed me particularly looking after my youngest
    This will change as he grows
    I love being a mum it doesnt make me weary most of the time

  2. God bless you all in what you are doing. I am saying it as a teacher, a pro dealing with teaching every day. It is tough.
    We do not have homeschooling possibilities in Sweden, if we had, I am not sure whether I would jump on that wagon.
    Why? Because it is tough.
    My prayers are with you.

  3. I liked your blog, Mary. The Word is precious. I believe there is no job on earth with more potential for blessing to all involved than motherhood. And nothing sadder than a woman who longs all her life for children but is unable to have them. I salute all women with mother’s hearts who reach out to children everywhere. I am just completing my reading through the OT historical books and something caught my attention. The father of each of the kings of Judah is named. In MOST of the instances, if the king was a godly king, even his mother’s name was given. One of the kings’ mother’s name was given, however, and it reported that ‘she was his counsellor to do evil’. I wonder if that was verbal counsel or passive counsel (her life and the things she pursued). Mother’s Day will be here in May. God bless ‘us mothers’, every one. Let us give our children what no one else on earth can give them.

  4. Jen, I know probably every “season” will have its challenges and discouragements…and its wonderful moments of blessing. I’m also very thankful to be able to be a sahm.

    I chose homeschooling as my topic for this passage, because a little over a year ago I was wanting out of homeschooling, for selfish reasons (at the time, I even knew it was for selfish reasons and didn’t really care, sad huh). I’m so thankful that my gentle husband reminded me why we had chosen to homeschool in the first place. Those reasons hadn’t changed. Plus, the best result of homeschooling is our family is very close knit, our daughters consider each other their best friends. Anyway, with acceptance and prayer, I got my excitement for it back. Now I just guard myself against the low points in the year…they usually follow Christmas Break.

    Ann, thank you for your understanding, coming from a teacher–it’s very appreciated. Yet, I always say I couldn’t teach a roomful of other people’s children on a regular basis even if I were qualified. Behavior issues would drive me crazy. (I guess they’d give me more opportunities to practice the above passage!) My own know what’s expected of them and for the most part do it!

    Mom, what you shared is just profound! What an influence a mother has on her child’s outcome. That’s a great mother’s day salutation…thank you for sharing it! I know I’m so grateful God gave me to the parents He did, you’ve always been so loving and wise…even in the difficult position of being a busy Pastor’s wife you homeschooled me when you could, and when you couldn’t, you worked as a librarian at my Christian school to shave a bit off the tuition! Thank you! ((hugs))

  5. I don’t homeschool, but I can mention “job-burnout??” I need a vacation in the worst way. But working part-time that is not an option.

  6. I wondered how your new schedule was going…guess I got my answer. I prayed for you last night as I drifted off to sleep…and believe me, at midnight after helping dh dig post holes for our long awaited deck, I was really tired! God put you on my mind.

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