March 12, 2025

Email Accounts and Flash Drives

At the last writer’s conference I attended, Deb Raney shared that sometimes, as an extra precaution, she emails herself her latest book chapters. This way they’re backed up in more than one spot.

If you have a web-based email service like gmail or yahoo, this works great. Even if your computer crashes, you still have your WIP available from another computer. Flash drives aren’t eternal, and nothing is failsafe, so this is a great option. Plus, it’s free.

So I spent some time last night and set up an email account just for my writing. Got all the important stuff nicely organized by chapters and notes. Now I just have to remember to login to that account every 4 months so it’s not all deleted!

I saved everything to a flash drive a few months ago, but the revisions are going so well I decided it was time to update all my saves and take Deb’s great advice.

My trilogy update: I’ve got two completed books in various stages of editing and a third that’s shelved for the time being. I “label” them as women’s fiction, because though there is strong element of romance, they all deal with a variety of difficult issues from health to loss to alcoholism to marriage and divorce. They’re Christian contemporary and all set in the mid-west.

4 thoughts on “Email Accounts and Flash Drives

  1. Rubbing my hands together in anticipation! One of my favorite topics! You are well read, so you have that going for you…writers need to read, read, read and write, write, write! The reading keeps you up to date on what’s getting published. So read in your area of interest, but be aware that established authors get away with breaking plenty of writing rules that newbies like us, trying to break into the market, can’t afford to break. I’d get some books on writing if I were you, to whet your appetite and open your eyes to some of the basics. Decide if you want to write in first person, or third, with limited point of view (pov) or multiple pov.

    There are some great books on the writing craft out there. I highly recommend these:

    Stein on Writing by Sol Stein
    Characters, Emotions and Viewpoint by Nancy Kress
    Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell
    Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by Donald Maass

    Really, really recommend any of the Writer’s Digest books on writing, but don’t get too bogged down with the particulars, just begin writing. You’ll learn so much as you go.

    Feel free to email me, too. I love this subject. If you want to write for the CBA, Christian market, you should really join ACFW–American Christian Fiction Writers. It’s a wonderful place to connect with others in the same journey, a place to find mentors and critique partners.

  2. I used all those methods, but the no brainer on is

    If back ups automatically. If you use it let them know I sent you!Gi

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