February 23, 2025

Our Icy Wonderland

Here are some pictures I took yesterday of our glittering ice encased yard…horsebarn.jpg

This first one is out the back porch door, looking up toward our horse barn…horses.jpg

This one is also taken from near my back porch door, with me standing behind our Suburban…beyond the hay bale you’ll see our horses.

Down oudriveway.jpgr driveway, which by the way, is awesome for sledding when icy…frontyard.jpg

Out across our front yard, note the hydrant icicle…


And last, a picture taken out behind our property…can’t believe that ice!

So many families in our community are without power that a temporary shelter has been made available for their use. Just the other night my husband and I took our generator out to my older sister’s. Otherwise, they’d be without power till at least December 22! And when you’re reliant on well water, that means no water either!

Counting our blessings!

21 thoughts on “Our Icy Wonderland

  1. 😉 Hm, wonder what exactly it says about us?!? We’ve actually had the generator since our early married days and never have needed it. It’s dh’s two in one: welder and generator…thankfully he’s gotten a lot of use out of the welder part of it, and having the other has always meant a peace of mind. This whole thing has me thinking about Terri Blackstock’s series about the world-wide power loss. If we didn’t have access to gas to run our generators, what then? Scary how dependent we are on electricity!

  2. We have had our share of ice storms and they are breath takingly beautiful but quite deadly.

    Thank goodness we also had a generator and gas stove so were able to keep ourselves warm in the kitchen.

    The spoiled food in the fridge and freezer was heartbreaking, though.

    Glad you all are making it through.

  3. Amy, glad you liked the pics…for some reason, before I got to know you, I always pictured NZ as pretty cold place in winter!

    Leticia, I’m so sorry you lost your food items…I spent a couple of hours out at my parent’s home yesterday (one of the ones going w/o power for the past week) cleaning out their fridge and 2 freezers. Thankfully the things in their freezer were still pretty much frozen, but all in the fridge was a loss. They’ve been out of state this week, so haven’t had to deal with it, thankfully. Is your power back on?

    Yup, we’re pretty cozy so far, Geri! So glad the power stayed on for us!

  4. I really need to watch the news more…I didn’t even know this was going on down South. Hope you all continue coping well with it and I’m sorry to hear about it.

  5. Thanks, Geri, we’re hanging in there, it makes for some excitement, esp this close to Christmas!

    And I know what you mean about watching the news, I’m the world’s worst…

  6. Thanks, Jen!

    Hey all, my parents are coming to live with us until Christmas, or at least, until their power is turned back on. They’ve been out of state till today, but now they are back and so we’re going to keep each other company! Just wanted you to know I’ll be a little more scarce here at the blog! Have fun without me…but most of all, enjoy this week leading up to Christmas!

    God bless!

  7. Here I thought I’d posted a comment already, guess not! All I can say is that just looks cold! That’ll be nice having your folks around – have a wonderful time!

  8. Thanks Colleen! It is nice, I have always wondered what it would be like to have “out of town” family come stay with us for the holidays, but with all local family, we’ve never had the opportunity!

    Lovin it! And the temps have been in the 40’s this week, not bad, and melting all the snow and ice!

  9. Thanks, Colleen! We really did enjoy our time together, and it sped by! They returned home today, with their electricity on and in good shape! Thankfully my sister’s family also has theirs back on, though there are still plenty of families in our area waiting their turn!

  10. I live in Kansas, and we were hit very hard too. In our town over 10,000 people were without power. Ours went out about mid-night on the 10th, and was restored on the morning of the 19th. My father drove 6 hours from his house and back, to bring us a generator. We were very thankful. I love the little house books, but after a few days of the cold, I was ready to have my heat again. We went down stairs, and the earth provided a good amount of warmth, but it was not ideal. I love your site. I home school too.

  11. While I don’t like the wintertime, the ice, the snow, I can say that my country looks like yours at this moment: 2 cm ice on the ground and it’s… beautiful!

  12. Well, Mary, since you posted this blog, we have moved into a real winter wonderland. We can see drifts to the top of the asparagus bed and can’t imagine what the lane will be like! It is good to be home but I’m missing the coziness of being with you folks. Mom

  13. Jessica…yes, we had another storm move in while we were at my sister-in-law’s celebrating Christmas…thank God for four wheel drive…the drifts were “rib” high on us people and to the truck beds and fencetops! We plowed our way home somehow and are excitedly planning all the snow play we can do with these mountains of white in the yard! We got a foot of snow, for sure…and it’s been years since we’ve gotten that much! Of course the drifting makes it look like that much more…we had high winds so the wind chill made playing in it totally impossible yesterday!

    Mom! I knew we should have kept you cozily ensconced here with us through Christmas! Somebody might have to come dig you guys out on Tuesday! 😉

  14. Dominique, my hubby works outside (he’s a cowboy) and so my daughters, out of sympathy for dad, always sing “I’m dreaming of a ‘green’ Christmas”…we love the snow for its beauty, but once the novelty wears off, it does get old fast! Glad to have you stop by home-steeped hope!

  15. Juli, I’m so glad you have your power back on! What a nightmare it was for those families and friends of ours without! Just in time to enjoy Christmas, right?

    So glad to have another mid-westerner here, and a home-schooling mom besides! Can’t wait to get to know you better, Juli!

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