February 23, 2025

Looking Back

2007…some random memories:

hubby’s new job~ began building new deck~moving my blog to its own .com~ MAMA’s videos and teaching responsibility to my girls ~ attending writing conferences-meeting famous authors- making lifelong friends~ Thursdays with Deborah ~ good-byes ~ parent’s 50th wedding anniversary bash ~ first niece’s wedding~ Black Hill’s vacation~ summer Sunday school ~ lake birthday parties ~ VBS~ tubing ~ hours of fun collage~ Bible studies and lunches with my parents ~ Thursday night home groups with friends ~ creative writing classes with the homeschool co-op kids~ middle daughter’s trumpet purchase ~ oldest’s puppy sales ~ youngest’s number huntings ~ tie-dying ~ cake decorating ~ discovering free books/book reviews ~ Vick’s Vapor Rub on feet for curing night-time coughing ~ scrabble games ~ family camp ~ hubby and sword drills ~ canning~ the “Lord Most High is Awesome” party ~ hellos ~ Awana contests ~ playing pitch with b&sil ~ brown rice and hamburgers Italiano ~ baking-soda/vinegar shampoo experiments ~ meeting nephew’s fiance ~ electrical power outages ~ grandparent slumber party ~ hurts and healings both on the blog and in real life ~ Ecclesiastes ~ sewing with Andrea ~ fall bonfires ~ homemade snow globes ~ a Christmas movie with my sister ~ a Christmas box of goodies from a bloggie friend~ another from a niece ~ Pampered Chef gadgets and utensils ~ grandparent’s 60th anniversary party ~ toddler outgrowing her crib ~ oldest preferring adult company at family get-togethers ~ middle’s inch long splinter-foot-cyst fiasco ~ jury duty ~ Professor B on CD-Rom (yes!! finally!) ~ helping hubby work calves ~ mentoring ~ having “the talk” ~ good health ~ friends ~ family ~ faith~ blessings~ and all of you name by precious name…

What will you remember about 2007?



8 thoughts on “Looking Back

  1. Great memories! One of the greatest memories I’ll always have it meeting SR in 2007. Many of the memories this past year were after meeting him and the kids!

  2. I’m pretty sure that snow ice cream recipe is in the cookbook I made you…under frozen desserts. And of course you don’t make it except with brand new snow. Even then it picks up some stuff from the atmosphere.

  3. Colleen and MIn, those are huge and wonderful events!! I’m so happy for both of your families. 🙂

    Mom, I looked up my blog on snow ice cream, at Writer Interrupted last year. It’s called Simple Science and Snow Ice Cream: http://ginaconroy.com/groupblog/wordpress/?p=223

    It was fun to reread, and I shared a couple of simple ice cream recipes there, including snow ice cream, which is the yummiest, after all!

  4. The year of 2007 is the year my husband finished half of our basement and the children and I were able to have our little school room. I had a scare with a round lump on my chest bone, and found out it was nothing bad. It was a gift, in the fact, it helped me to truly see that everyday we have with our loved ones, is such a gift from God. God just blessed my family and I this year with love and he continues to bring us closer to him and one another. All and all 2007 was a wonderful year for me.

  5. Great memories!!

    What will I remember of 2007, hmm…My boys growing up so fast, my faith growing stronger, visiting with my family…too many things!

  6. Juli, thanks for sharing that. I love that it was a great year, despite the health scare. Isn’t God good? And hurrah for getting a special room for school!!! I’d love that. But in the meantime, I guess it’s called “home” school..because it spills over to every room in my house? (not so lol!)

    Leticia, I could echo your comment exactly…so many things! And these kiddos…how can we slow them down?

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