February 23, 2025

Love and Marriage

Hope you all are having a special day with your families!

I’ve been offline for a couple of days, yes, the flu got me. I’m on the mend though, no fever today, so hopefully I’ll get back on track here soon!

My little girls have been awesome nurses and cooks, taking TLC of me and making sure 3 squares found their way to the table each day! My oldest has even made a game of homeschooling, and has taught her little sisters their lessons the past two mornings.

Just wanted to quickly post and let you all know why I’ve been quiet…

13 thoughts on “Love and Marriage

  1. Hope your feeling better and praying for you! Glad to hear your girls are taking such huge responsibility. They must be taking notes from their Mama on how to manage a home! Good work!

  2. Mary, I’m sorry to hear you’ve come down with the flu! As a reminder to your readers, vaccination is the single best way to protect yourself and people you love from influenza. If you come down with the flu, there are still things you can do such as taking antiviral drugs if your doctor says you need them. To protect others from the flu, take preventive actions including frequent hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes. For more information from CDC on influenza and how to protect against it or keep from spreading it, visit CDC’s http://www.myFluNews.com

  3. Well, Peter Plum, hopefully Penny Peach is better today, that’s too bad! That could have been a very nice Valentine’s treat, otherwise! Food poisoning doesn’t usually kick in that quickly, though, does it? As far as snow, we didn’t get what was forecasted for last night either, though it’s still coming, just bumped back a couple of days…

    Thanks, Geri and Jen, I’m afraid that now my 3 yo is getting something of the stomach flu variety… 🙁

    Thanks for the good tips, CDC, about flu prevention. I flippantly call it the flu, it’s not the real influenza or I’d still be sick most likely. I only had two days of fever and still have a lingering sore throat, nothing else flu-like. I appreciate the good spirit intended in your comment, though at first I thought it was a practical joke, as I’ve written posts on here begging people not to get flu vaccines! Each of us to his own…

  4. I have to agree with Mary on the flu vaccine. The year I got mine (because I was in Nursing I had to get it) I was sicker than I have ever been; I picked up everything I came in contact with and more. I know there are “different strains” and all that, and I obviously never got the vaccine against the strains of flu that I did come in contact with, but hey…I had the flu all my life growing up and it never killed me. It only makes my body stronger to protect me the next time I come in contact with that virus. So I would rather let my body fight it off naturally than inject stuff into my body. My own personal opinion anyhow.I DO agree that elderly people, people who work in the medical profession, people with low immune systems, etc. should look into getting it for their own safety. But I stay at home all day with my son, so for me getting the flu I don’t have to worry too much about it disrupting my life…LOL but I am a baby when I am sick, so maybe ask me if I wished I had the flu shot when I have the flu and you may get a different answer!

  5. I’ve never had the flu shot, but I’ve heard so many stories like yours, Geri. Plus, my hubby used to be the only one not to get the flu shot at work, and he was the only one each winter to stay healthy! Kinda makes you skeptical.

  6. I am so sorry you are sick with the flu, but glad to hear you are feeling so much better.

    Isn’t it wonderful how our children tend to rise up in helping mommy out when she is feeling under the weather? Kids are so amazying.

    I hope by tomorrow you will be well in Jesus name!

  7. It’s going into Autumn here so it’ll be time for coughs and colds going around too as they tend to do when the seasons change. Glad you’re on the mend 🙂

    Amy’s last blog post..Sssh?

  8. Leticia, I feel much better, if I keep busy, I can even ignore that my throat hurts like the dickens! It’s at night that I lay there unable to sleep! So aware of swallowing! Thanks for your prayers!!!

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