February 7, 2025

Muffins and Bugs

Table with Muffins and JuiceWell, our Friday morning Bible study luncheon with my parents just ended, they’re on their way home after sharing the morning with us. How special it is to have a Bible teacher in the family, and a mom who can take any food at all and turn it into a gourmet festivity! And Dad is taking my 9 year old on a Walk-Thru-the-Bible, quizzing her each week chapter by chapter through the OT. She’s doing great!

Yesterday my oldest daughter went to work with her daddy. As you all know, he is a cowboy, and since school is out for the summer, she’s been yearning to get in on some horseback riding. So up she got at 6 A.M., donned her jeans, boots and spurs, grabbed her slicker and got in on a full day with dad, which included rounding up calves, working them through the chute (branding, vaccinating) , lunch out with the crew, and then back to the ranch for over three hours of pasture riding. She came home to me sore and sunburned but absolutely glowing. Not a grumpy bone in her body, just deliciously worn out.

Meanwhile, 6 year old and I had been busy. We spent the morning making huge butterflies out of construction paper. I’m decorating my toddler Sunday school classroom with a garden/flower/bug theme…we’ll hang the butterflies from the ceiling. While 6 yo and I crafted, toddler sat happily in her high chair with an almost empty glue stick, paper and a pair of scissors, having a blast.

Then we made muffins for our camping trip–blueberry and apple cinnamon. Kept several out for taste-testing and double-bagged the rest in the freezer…I’ll post the recipe tomorrow. It’s one of those base muffin recipes that you can customize depending on what additions you want to include.

We ended the day in pajamas, tip-toeing into the side yard to follow the progress of five fuzzy-headed baby barn owls swooping from branch to branch and making funny little hissing noises in the process. So cute!

And tonight we have five reserve seats at the local rodeo, courtesy of my husband’s boss…it doesn’t start till 8 P.M. so I’m hoping toddler’s nap gets her good and rested!

Happy June 1st!

5 thoughts on “Muffins and Bugs

  1. bless your parents
    pleased your oldest daughter had a good day
    shame about the sore (legs?) and sunburn
    Bet she slept well.

    I love butterflies your Sunday school classroom is going to look so cool
    can I come and join in?

    how old is your little one
    Im not game enough to give scissors to Daniel yet

    Hope you enjoyed the rodeo

  2. Yes, it was her legs that were sore…she could barely put weight in her stirrups by the end of the day, but the wonderful thing about youth, she was a 100% the next morning! Her sunburn is still bothering (daddy remembered her face, ears and neck so it’s just her arms thankfully)…

    I’d love nothing more than if you could jaunt to the USA to help me all summer with my toddler class! Wouldn’t Daniel and my youngest have fun! I know what you mean about the scissors…I’m just now letting my little one at them, she’ll be 3 in July. Truthfully, she had more fun with the glue stick! What a mess!

    The rodeo was FUN! All the girls loved it, the clown show was, of course, their favorite part! We didn’t get home till midnight…

  3. Jen, horse races or car races? I’ve never been to either! We’re more into quarterhorses than thoroughbreds around here…

    E~thanks~it sure is!

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