February 16, 2025

My Life, Unscripted

mylifeunscripted.JPG You pick up a book, scan the back cover and it either grabs you or it doesn’t. When my influencer copy of My Life, Unscripted from Tricia Goyer arrived, the back cover copy jumped out at me and seconds later I was sinking into my couch, stealing enough time to confirm that this book is a definite keeper! Wait! Scratch that, it was SO good I made it a huge priority to finish before my niece’s 18th birthday party that weekend. I knew I had to pass it along. And as I read, I kept thinking of different teenage girls–nieces and friends–that would benefit with this warm and personal, yet hip, mentoring of Tricia’s in their hands.

Drawing on Biblical principles, My Life, Unscripted guides girls through the tumultuous teen years by teaching them to have a plan of attack before temptation or hardship come.

Tricia’s Script:

Looking back at my drama-filled teen years I now wonder … What was I thinking?

The truth? I wasn’t. I lived from day to day on every wave of emotion. Some days excitement and passion partnered up, pattering wildly within my heart.

Other days, depression and anxiety were my silent friends. I lived each day as it came, with no plan for my future, for my relationships, or for my heart.

I lived my life completely unscripted … and, well, it didn’t go well for me. Teen pregnancy and a broken heart were only two consequences. Yet my prayer is that when teen girls are asked Who’s Writing Your Life? their answer will be ME … with the guidance of God, My Director.

Mary here: It’s my pleasure to be able to honestly share my excitement over My Life, Unscripted with you. This is exactly the kind of book the teenage girls of our culture need, as inundated as they are with the standards raging through their peers and in the public school system. It’s hard being adrift in a boat full of holes. My hopes are that every girl reading this book will come away smarter and more reliant on God, not this culture, to patch up the holes that can be filled in no other way.

The book’s format is inviting and fun, while the topics are serious and eye-opening. I especially enjoyed the “My Scripts” featured in the margins in which teenage girls across the country weighed in on the issues they all face day to day. Tricia’s heart for teens is evident, she’s welcome to mentor my daughters anyday!

Thanks, Tricia, for being brave and willing to share from your heart how your own difficult teen years affected the rest of your life.

Places you can find Tricia on the net:

Tricia’s Blog: It’s Real Life

Tricia’s Website: www.triciagoyer.com

She also has two new books that will be available soon:

  • A Shadow of Treason (Moody Publishing) 2007
  • Generation NeXt Marriage (Multnomah) January, 2008

And don’t forget to order your own copy of My Life, Unscripted or look for it at your local Barnes and Nobles, it’s part of their back-to-school endcap promotion!

Also, on Saturday, September 22, 2007, I’ll be doing a drawing for a copy of this book! To participate, simply leave a comment on this post!

12 thoughts on “My Life, Unscripted

  1. Sounds really interesting! I’m always looking for something to recommend to the youth group girls. I’d love to read this!
    Haley 🙂

  2. It is another book written to teens that I would love to add to my daughter’s “library”. Thanks for letting me know about it!

  3. It’s been awhile since I’ve visited your site…I have much catching up to do! 🙂
    I love good book reviews/suggestions. This seems like a great one to add to our personal library as well as one to recommend to teen girls close to us (both in church and within family).

  4. Amy… 🙂 Can you believe I have 3 Amy’s, at least, that visit here, and I can’t tell who you are by your email…are you perhaps Amy from Kalmia? I’m guessing that, because the other 3 have websites that usually show up with their name.

    Glad you came by!

  5. I got my copy a few days ago and it was just wonderful, every teenage girl should have a copy.

    I think what broke my heart was when I read the part about the abortion clinic.

  6. Leticia, that was a hard part to read, from all perspectives. 🙁

    Tricia, thank you for giving me the opportunity! I hope the message resounds loud and clear…

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