January 23, 2025

My Day, Hour by Hour

7:22 A.M. Toddler stumbles into my bedroom. Rats! Overslept and I wanted to get out the door by 8 A.M. for my mom’s group. Doesn’t matter that we had a loong homeschool meeting the day/evening before, followed by errand running and a 2 hour cooking marathon followed by a really late supper with hubby and me falling in bed around midnight.

8:30 A.M. Breakfast for the kids, check. Bath for me, check. Make-up, check. Suburban loaded with lunch for us, a meal for twelve (friends recently moved back) and schoolwork for two older girls to do during my mom’s group, check, check and check!

9:15 A.M. Arrive at church. Enjoy watching the very last of the Michael Pearl DVD on Teaching Responsibility. Wow, what a great conversation erupted after that–see my post Thursday morning at Weekend Kindness.

11:30-noonish Pizza with friends! Always good.

12:30-1:30 P.M. Wash tons of veggies for a big salad. Toss it all together. Clean up church kitchen. Oldest dd scrubs 12 potatoes and I half them and add to the smothered steaks I fixed last night (ie: aforementioned cooking marathon–three 9×13 panfuls, one for us, two for others) . Clean up church kitchen again.

2:30-ish Arrive at friends’ house, food and kids in tow. Great reconnect! So glad they’re back, safe and sound!

3:15 P.M. Head home. Find hubby ripping into kitchen sink plumbing in crawl space. He’s ready to jump in Suburban and go to nearest city (30 minutes away) for plumbing supplies (and twenty feet of drain pipe).

4:30P.M. Drive through pouring rain, arrive in city, pull into Farm and Ranch supply store. Discover that toddler’s drifted off to sleep. Dh and kids head in to shop, while I babysit. Just so happens that I have a novel handy for such a moment: With This Ring, I’m Confused by Kristin Billerbeck. I spend a delightful hour (or more?) reading in the parking lot. Great book! Can’t wait to get back into it…

7 P.M. One other stop, and we’re on the road home. We stop by my in-laws to borrow a hole saw, also for the plumbing revamp. Once home, I remember that I forgot (don’t you love that?) to return the kid movies we rented last Friday for family night. They were due back today by 6 P.M. Oops.

7:30 P.M. Drop dh and kids off at home, rush to movie store. No late fees, hurray! Rush home. Dh works on plumbing till 9 P.M. Smothered steaks, potatoes, rolls and salad for supper!

And my sluggish sink drains are a thing of the past–we hope!

And if you made it this far, my hat’s off to you! Far more interesting would have been an account of Monday which we spent designing and crafting medieval costumes for a home school Castle Field day…or an account of all the fun we had on Tuesday participating in it!

7 thoughts on “My Day, Hour by Hour

  1. Oh, that feeling that you first get when you see your husband ripping into your home. I know it well. One day I left for work and he mentioned laying a new floor in our bathroom. When I got home our toliet was sitting in the front yard. Thankfully, it usually turns out ok.

  2. I don’t know about you, but I hate those busy days, I feel so drained by it all, that I collapse into bed, after I shower, of course, and then fall into a exhaustive sleep.

    Thank goodness, I get days like that, maybe, once a week.

  3. Bethanie, it was a good feeling…b/c I’ve had sink issues for a while now, only one side was draining, and it was starting to have problems. It wasn’t going to be an easy fix either…no Drano for us, nope, we needed new drain pipes!

    Leticia, I was so glad for that reading break in the car…a little snatch of relaxation…prior to that, I had a threatening tension headache…but all ended well!

  4. Oh my goodness, Mary. I’m impressed with how quickly you can move from one thing to another! You got out of the house ALL PREPARED one hour after awakening – and after going to bed at midnight? I can’t achieve that! 🙂

    You were able to get a lot done, weren’t you!

  5. If you only knew, Holly! Wet hair, etc. I guess it’s a testimony to my older girls who are very efficient at getting themselves ready, and helpful with toddler too. The biggest challenge was loading all that food into the Suburban, I almost forgot several things! And in fact, I did forget to take along the rolls for the meal I’d prepared…

  6. Goodness Mary what a great day! Busyness and all. At least you found some time to read for yourself. Any day is a good day when you can read!

    I haven’t been to your blog in a while, so I think it’s obvious great minds think alike, regardless of what Facebook says. 🙂 I just wrote down our day minute by minute for last Monday–I try to do it once a year to remember all the wonderful minutia we forget in the big things. Just haven’t had time to blog it. 🙂

  7. Ah, Facebook. Hee hee
    I wholeheartedly agree on the book thing. This time of year always has me wanting to curl up with a good book…key word: WANTING! Life can sure get too busy sometimes! I even put a book in my purse (Return to Me by Robin Lee Hatcher) to read while waiting around as a prospective juror, and never got more than the first lines read!

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