February 7, 2025

Christmas Doings

Survived yesterday’s “blizzarding”…just barely! Final snow totals were around 12 inches, with the high winds leaving drifts that were “rib” high on us people and white stuff to the truck beds and fencetops! We were at my sister-in-lasnowdriftplay.jpgw’s for Christmas celebrations when it hit, and had to blaze our own trail home on the buried country roads. Where’s a sleigh when ya need one?

This morning we girls played till our fingers and cheeks hurt…sadly, the snow isn’t wet enough yet to make snow balls-forts-people etc. But we still had a blast! So did the pups!

My parents stayed with us from Monday to Thursday, and got in on an all day Wednesday Christmas party here at our house with my friend Deborah and her children. Thankfully all our friends and family now have their power up and buzzing. We thank you for all your prayers!

Here are a few pictures for you of what we’ve been busily doing since Friday…

helping2.jpg My lil helper, pounding away at graham cracker crumbs for cheesecake #5! We took several lahelping3.jpgundry breaks, during which I almost lost her in the dryer…

Then we made and decorated 7 dozen Christmas cookies to take to neighbors and family gatherings…more peanut brittle and 12 or so homemade snow globes!

christmasprojects.jpg Today, besides freezing our hinies off outside, we’ve played Clue five times (a Christmas gift oldest received yesterday at sister-in-law’s), made “snowstorm soup” and are about to head over to grandma’s to drop the chillens off so daddy and I can go finish up our Christmas shopping!

And to those of you who sent cards and packages…you filled my heart up to overflowing, honestly! To have friends like you, means so so much–thank you all!

What will you remember the most about this year’s Christmas doings?

(Soon I’ll post my “snowstorm soup” recipe and also a tutorial on home-made snow globes!)

8 thoughts on “Christmas Doings

  1. My biggest memory of this year of 2007 is that I didn’t decorate at all except for the pile of presents I wrapped in anticipation of Tuesday. It wasn’t bad at all coming down from all the busyness and noise and todo that usually goes on at our house at this time of year. We only got 5″ of snow…it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Job asks the question, “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?” and that got me brainstorming with distant friends about that. God bless you all I sense strongly the peace of Christmas this year. Isa. 26:3 to all!

  2. Merry Christmas Mom and Amy! Thanks for sharing that verse from Job, Mom. I can imagine what treasures he was talking about…after a day like today!

    Amy…how to describe graham crackers…hm. They are rectangular and brittle, with lines along which you can break each rectangle into four smaller crackers. Here in the states we can get them in “honey grahams”, “cinnamon grahams” and “chocolate grahams”…they are what we use in “graham cracker” crusts for cheesecakes, pudding pies, and my kids like them as a snack plain, or spread with frosting! 😉

  3. Lots of family is the best at Christmas, I’m so glad for you…and this year you have a whole ‘nother family to enjoy everything with! Christmas Eve at a monastery??!! I’m intrigued, hoping you posted about it at your blog!

  4. Same here…usually! I think graham crackers are pretty easy to chop though, because youngest seemed to be doing fine without any help! For once! 😉

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