February 7, 2025

More Daylight, Less Sleep

The time change has been hard on us! Of course, it maybe wasn’t smart to stay up till 3 A.M. Friday night (er…that would be Saturday morning), till midnight Saturday night, and till 1:30 A.M. Sunday night! Sheesh. Let me explain.

Our girls were invited to spend the night with friends Friday, so dh took me to Carlos ‘O Kelly’s for Mexican food, then to get DVDs and a cappuccino treat at Starbucks. We got home at 10 P.M. and started our movie marathon…which lasted into the wee morning hours. But we got to sleep in till 10:30 A.M. You know how long it’s been? Um, eleven years?

Meanwhile, of course, the girls hadn’t gotten much sleep either. Late bedtime and early wake-ups on their end…we all fell asleep on the couch Saturday afternoon. ALL of us.

Sunday found us at Sunday school and church, then home for a roast beef dinner. Got youngest down for a nap, and attacked my Abeka Spring quarter Sunday School curriculum. Got everything organized per week, even down to the craft preps! Then we went on a walk and soaked in the sunshine…during which I forgot I hadn’t set my wristwatch ahead and realized we’d be late to Awanas if we didn’t get home fast!

On our way home from Awana we stopped twice for sirens going through our small town, and then on the lonely country highway to our home, we again were passed, this time by a fire truck belonging to the department for which hubby volunteers.

Walked in the door to a note from dh, scribbled hastily en route…and a couple skillets of half-cooked supper on the stove. Finished fixing it, fed the girls and tucked them in bed and waited up for him. He finally came in around one o’clock, then showered and ate.

Needless to say, it was torture getting out of bed this morning, and even more so feeling cheated out of an extra hour! I don’t know how hubby did it after his harrowing exertion…it was a house fire, he was on the roof, cutting a 3×4′ hole to let the heat out, and then went through two air packs squirting water in the house…heat exhaustion anyone?

I know in a week or so I’ll be glad for the extra daylight in the evenings…but for now I’m bushed! What a way to usher in a time change…

How are you coping?

12 thoughts on “More Daylight, Less Sleep

  1. Oh boy did we have problems 😀
    Besides the normal ones, I have a boy who has FAS and I have been reading about how children with that have circadian rhythm issues. He already has an extremely hard time gettng going in the AM and he is also the one that is still in PS and has to get up early, get going and get on the bus. Add to that the fact he decided to get up and “watch the news” (behind dad’s back, he had no idea!) and yesterday was not pretty.
    Hopefully today will be better.
    I am having trouble just getting going on supper/bedtime routine with it still light out! Wow, the evenings pass so quickly!

  2. I wish we had to cope. We live in the only state that doesn’t change–sooo ridiculous! Even in the beautiful summer, we don’t get extra light in the evening, we just have the sun shining at 4:30 in the morning instead. Argh.

  3. It’s funny – my husband commented yesterday that there is one state that doesn’t do daylight savings time, and how nice that would be! We always think “the other way” is better, don’t we? 🙂

  4. I kind of like it when we spring forward. My 8:00 sleepers become 9:00 sleepers. It makes me feel better. even though we are getting the same amount of rest.

  5. I have not even taken notice as of yet. All week long, I have not slept. Baby Justin was running fever and throwing up Mon.-Wed. and then Thur. evening my 4 year old, Megan, started doing the same. she is still not 100% well. I feel like a zombie…and I can’t wait until this illness leaves us once more, to a peaceful house, and a good nights rest. It sounds like you had a very full weekend!!!

  6. I love the time change. We stay outside later in the evenings. My husband, who commutes, suddenly gets to see the house in the light. We have already been buying marshmallows to roast over a fire pit after dinner (which is, yes, running a little late now.) It seems like summer, even though we’re wearing sweatshirts in front of that fire…
    I love having a little light after dinner to work in my garden. I’m loading compost into a wheelbarrow and trecking it to a bed, one load an evening. But it’s starting to add up in only a few days, I wanna plant a veggie garden! And letting the little ones sleep in is heaven…

  7. Jana, I have no idea what FAS is, I’ll have to google it! Sounds like a rough start…and I’m the same way…getting supper going earlier and bedtimes…I’m not adjusted yet! We haven’t eaten yet…but I’m kind of off the hook, as dh is at a fire meeting and won’t be home for another hour. Stir-fry tonight–and it IS ready now–but the girls want to wait on daddy…we’ll hope he gets home early!

    Georgiana and Haley…lol…so true! Sometimes the daylight savings time seems like such a joke…but I see your point G. In my hubby’s business (ranching) He can just adjust his alarm clock and get to work earlier than normal to make the most of the light…but in a “normal” job…that would be the pits! Daylight at 4:30 AM!!! My kids would be up shortly after…

    Andrea, that is a great bonus when the kiddos are little! Now though, it just puts us an hour behind on getting most of our schooling done before lunch!

    Juli, you poor thing! No sleep at your house…have you stayed healthy? I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had yet more sickness. That on top of the never-ending winter has been soooo hard this year. Hopefully you can escape into the sunshine for at least a little bit tomorrow…it’s supposed to be in the 70’s!

    Cena, we are DYING to have warm enough evenings to do just that! Plus, I have a cast iron dutch oven begging to be broken in…! I love springtime and am SO glad it’s right around the corner! Hope it’s not a WET one! 😉

  8. Mary/Jana-Is FAS fetal alcohol syndrome? That is the only thing I could think of.

    As for my time change, DH, LO, and I went into town on Sunday morning (forgetting the time change). DH plays hockey Sunday morning and I go to Church and afterwards visit my family til DH is done. Well DH was an hour late for hockey (it’s 2 hours) and I didn’t know since I had only dropped him off. I have the option of going to early Mass and then visiting my family or visiting them first and then going later with them. I thought they might still be sleeping so I thought I would go to the early one. When I drove up I was shocked at the amount of cars. Normally the early Mass isn’t very busy, and I was 1/2 hour early so I was really surprised at how many people were “early”…you think I would have put 2 and 2 together? Nope. Then once I walked up the steps to the Church I could hear the singing from inside and thought maybe I was later than I thought so I walked into the entranceway…the singing was from over halfway through the Mass. I was so confused! So I went outside and checked the sign to make sure that Sunday morning Masses were still at 8:30 and 10:30 AM, which they were. I considered just going in for the last 15 minutes or so, since I still had no idea what was going on, but then decided I better go home since it was too late since all the readings and sermon were done. It wasn’t till I was halfway back to my truck that I realised my mistake. So then I went to my parents…my Little Brother had been calling our house for the last hour to find out when we were coming and he was waiting outside for us when we got there…he left a bunch of messages on the answering machine of him breathing (he gets shy and won’t leave a message at the last minute, and the machine still records it). Anyways, ended up going to Church later with my family and the Priest came up afterwards to me and said “I’m glad you came back! It gets someone every year and this year it was you!” So I (very red-faced) was very glad that I decided to go with my family rather than going for the last few minutes of the earlier one…anyways hope all’s well with you!

  9. I was traveling to Boston and there during the initial time change. We has snow, which messed up all the flights putting me into Boston 4 hours late and having to wake up early the next day for a day long session – luckily we were all feeling it so lots of empathy! Otherwise, I’ve been good so fast that I haven’t noticed too big of an issue. I too look forward to more light in the evenings!

  10. We slept in a today, the time change is a bit disorienting, and have been slogging around a little. So I told everyone to take a jump rope break to get the blood flowing. We found our other long rope this morning and I wanted them to try to double dutch jump. Well I showed them how to turn the ropes so they wouldn’t tangle, but no one could jump in. I said I used to do it (10 births and 70 lbs ago…) So they wanted me to try. I went to the bathroom first…then I DID IT! It took me a few tries to jump in, but it still can be done. Then I took my old jump rope from high school (a good one with ball bearings) and showed them how to jump fast, like “Rocky.” in training. Oh my gosh, MY blood is pumping. I hope I don’t have a heart attack. I need to do this a few times a day. It’s fun.

  11. I have to admit this is the first time that the time change has affected me. I must be getting old, hee. It has been hard adjusting!

    You sure had a busy night but it also sounds like a lot of fun.

    Leticia’s last blog post..PART V

  12. Geri, what a morning! I’m always terrified that somehow we’ll forget…and it would have been bad this year, as I would have left my SS class hanging! Glad you made it through, and still got in on mass! And Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, you’re right, I knew that about Jana’s son, just blanked out! ((Thanks!))

    Colleen, glad your trip went well! We’re having an awesome sunshiney day here, can’t believe it! Hope this means no more snow/winter weather! We are slated for rain tomorrow though! 🙁

    Cena, we’ve had doctor appointments the last two mornings, and church on Sunday, so not any sleeping in around here yet, unfortunately! We’ve been upping our physical activity too…trying to walk or do aerobics each day, since our roads are all dried out! We walked up the hill today for our first picnic of the year, and two of my little ones slipped in mud and got it all over their (old) shoes! Then I slid into a deceiving looking grass-covered mud spot on the way back down! But it’s in the 70’s out there and gorgeous! Good for you getting in the groove with the kids, I bet they were impressed that mom still had it in her. I want one of those jump ropes, it sounds way cool! 😉

    Leticia, me too, and I’m younger than you! Maybe it’s less to do with age, hm?

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