September 8, 2024

Beautiful, Busy Spring

Hey all!

I apologize for my neglect of the blog lately. Between family and friends needing us, dh’s schedule and keeping up with paperwork and our home school requirements…it’s been all I can do lately to fall into bed before one A.M.!

For those of you keeping my in-law’s in your prayers–thank you! They are embarking on their new normal after losing everything in the fire. God is really bringing grace to their situation, even as the reality of this loss becomes more apparent.

Spring is beckoning and we’re milking it for all its worth! These warmer mornings have found us walking and biking now that our country roads have dried out from winter snow and rain. I’ve spent extra time helping my 7 year old master her bicycling skills…we have such a hard time with this, as our property is all bumps and hills. So we headed down to the straight flat of the road that runs past our mailbox and a half hour later she’d figured it out! Such exhilaration on all of our parts! (Translated: many happy dances in the middle of the roadway!)

I’ve been cooking and baking twice the normal amount of food here lately. Some for us, and some for others. On Monday, we went through household items and toys and baked cinnamon rolls to take along to the “moving party”. Brother and sister-in-law are now cozily ensconced in their rental home, where they’ll reside until they rebuild or move a home onto their rural property. Tuesday we had errands and appointments in town all morning and home school co-op classes all afternoon. Wednesday I must have been feeling thankful because I roasted a turkey with all the trimmings and ran half of it to town to share the abundance.

Yesterday we had a most enjoyable time here with a homeschooling friend and her son who came bearing gifts for my sister-in-law’s family and ended up staying the day with us. Fun! I even made my pumpkin turkey soup and friend’s 12 year old son had seconds! Then during supper we watched an amazing DVD called, “Mountain of Fire. The Search for the True Mount Sinai”. Our whole family highly recommends it!

Today was Bible study day and lunch with my parents…we had turkey-veggie lasagna, salad and asparagus with brownies for dessert!

Is it any wonder that I have no idea what I’m fixing for supper tonight? Something with turkey? I still have lunch dishes to do, believe it or not!

Hubby is in the midst of pasture burning…something we mid-west folk do each spring to burn off the old growth, making way for green grass. So the hillsides will be black for a couple of weeks now, as everyone is getting this done while the weather holds. He won’t be home till after dark tonight.

I’m planning a couple of showers for sis-in-law…one a Pampered Chef catalog party to replace the things she lost, and the other a family shower to re-gift them with items they might have received for wedding gifts, etc.

Things are busy as we gear up for the end of the school year and plan for the end of Awana, summer vacation, and VBS.

What’s keeping you busy?

Happy Spring! (and Fall to my New Zealand friends!)

11 thoughts on “Beautiful, Busy Spring

  1. I cleaned my mother’s home today- that kept me busy for a good while. Does your sister-in-law need a good used shower curtain. We finally finishing up our remodel on our bathroom and I’m buying a new curtain tomarrow. Nothing wrong with our old one, excpet its not the right color anymore. Its a deep purple with fringe with jewels at the top. Its only a couple years old.

    Bethanie’s last blog post..Recipe Swap & Mrs. U’s candle give-away

  2. Hi Mary – So glad to hear your family is getting back into a new norm. It sounds like you are keeping busy and it tired me out reading what you all have going on! The weather is up and down around here, and the pollen is fierce! We’re keeping busy with lots of things, wedding plans, house hunting, algebra (ick), but finally not too many work things! Take care!

    Colleen’s last blog post..Baby Petterson

  3. Hi Mary! Reading this passage today has my mouth watering for all the wonderful food you mention-which is amazing since lately I have stopped reading too much since the mere mention of food turns my stomach and starts up the morning sickness again!

    Sounds like your family is all keeping nice and busy! So nice of you to be helping your in-laws out so much. They are truly lucky to have you!

    I had a question-if I were to order something from Pampered Chef would that help them out at all? (I don’t know how PC parties work but I know with CandleLight parties, etc. that the more orders that are made the more money the person the party is in honour of gets towards their purchases-is this the same idea?). Anyways just let me know if it would help-I don’t know if it would end up being more hassle though-just let me know.

    Take care!

  4. We are still working on the house, and the bathroom is causing more problems then we an or rather my husband anticipated, we had to call a plumber which means my laundry has to be put on hold…sigh.

    You sure keep busy and I wish I could have tasted those cinnamon rolls, yummy.

    Leticia’s last blog post..What a weekend!

  5. Bethanie, you are SO thoughtful! Glad you got a chuckle out of my email reply! 😉

    Colleen, so sorry you guys have allergies! Be glad you aren’t surrounded by pasture fires…boy that really agonizes the people around here who suffer from allergies! And what–you don’t like Algebra? My favorite subject in high school…lol…hope you survive!

    Oh Geri, I wish you luck on getting an appetite to work alongside morning sickness! That is so hard. You might look into finding out the acupressure points for nausea…there are some specific ones for morning sickness, I just found that out at a workshop this past Saturday, btw! 😉 Yes, you could order some Pampered Chef and it would go toward my sil’s points, just as you mentioned. And really, the only bummer about it is you’d have to wait till it arrived here, and then I could ship it on to you. You could look at their website and see if anything appeals to you. I could even ask my consultant if there is an easier way to have the things shipped directly to you? You are a huge sweetie for wanting to help, thank you!

    Leticia, so often these home renovations are tedious and cost way more than predicted. I wish your dh luck in getting through with it soon!

  6. OK Mary, just email me about when you would like the order in by. I have been checking their stuff out online and I have a few things already picked out!

  7. Oops, I already forgot…I’ll make myself a note to call the consultant and ask her if we can pull this off. I did notice at the site that there is a different Pampered Chef for Canada and the USA, but that doesn’t mean we can’t finagle this somehow. ;O)

  8. LOL if it is too much work Mary then just let me know (I won’t be offended, I just wanted to help out if I could). But if it ends up being too difficult a process then just let me know. Hope all is well with you all!

  9. If it’s not too late, I’d love to order 2 Pampered Chef timers. One for your sister in law and one to be shipped to me. They are my favorite timers. And my kids and I use them for chores, school, baking…
    e-mail me

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