February 16, 2025

Great Marriage Advice

Earlier this year I was blog-gathering at all my favorite stops and came across a powerful comment made in response to a post…the testimony in this comment is awesome, and I contacted the author and asked for her permission in sharing it here with you all. Hope it blesses!

Sharon said…

Hi there.. I have hope for you!!

It is possible to resurrect your marriage!!

Our marriage has got so much better.. and sometimes I could just almost burst for the happiness I feel because it just keeps getting better!!

Here is what I did..

I started to faith talk in prayer about him.. No longer would I talk about his faults.. no matter how many there were.. I spoke blessings over his life.. I still speak blessings over those things I want to see come to pass..

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Heb 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Apologise for anything that you have said that has cursed him.. I don’t just mean swear words.. but anything that could/would open the door for the evil one.. Even being angry and saying how you feel can hurt him.. I say this because your happiness.. and dreams cannot rest on him.. they must rest with the Lord.. Nobody else can bring us peace and joy like Jesus can.. That is a big burden to carry trying to please someone..

The thing is.. God loves your husband as much as He loves you.. and you have faults too.. When God looks at you.. He isn’t trying to see your faults.. but He loves you because you are you!! And He pours Himself out to you because He loves you.. 🙂

You need to start loving your husband that way too.. The way God loves you.. I know there is anger.. hurt.. disappointment.. maybe bitterness.. I had all those.. but love like the 1 Corinthians 13 love overlooks those things.. and is patient.. kind.. gentle… long suffering..

Speak good about him in front of your children.. with your friends and let him hear you do that.. and praise him for all that he is doing right and praise God for his being with you and for him.. Even if you can only think of one thing to say well of him.. Do so!! I know there will be healing here..

Think of how good it feels when someone praises you.. builds you up.. start doing that for your husband.. It makes me cry tears to think of that sort of love.. especially if we might not deserve it..

Ask God to help you do this too.. It does work.. I don’t know what will happen for you both and how.. but I know love works..

That kind of love drew me to God.. and it helps me love my husband and find the joy of marriage.. and my husband has changed so much.. It really had nothing to do with me.. I just loved him and spoke well about him.. I know God did the rest..

He has become a friend and attentive to my needs and I now enjoy looking to meet his needs.. and it makes me cry to think of just how sweet our relationship is.. I could not have believed it would get this good!!

Bless him.. do good to him.. and let your heart be at peace.. Speak in faith the things you desire for your marriage.. your family.. and those things will start to come to pass!!

I will pray for you.. Satan has no foothold at all when love flows..

Christian love from Sharon

9 thoughts on “Great Marriage Advice

  1. It’s amazing the effect of what you think and do can effect how you feel about someone. Not only will God bless the fact that you’re leaning on Him, but because you are choosing to think and do positive things toward your husband instead of negative, you will feel positively toward him.

    It’s great, all the way around.

    MInTheGap’s last blog post..Lipstick and 5 Kids

  2. Want to know what changed my marriage? I asked God to change me first. I use to always pray, “Please God change G and help find salvation.”

    Now it was reversed and I have noticed a significant difference in our relationship.

    God of wonders!

    Leticia’s last blog post..Oprah biased as usual…

  3. Thank you Mary for allowing me to share here on your journal.. You have a very sweet and caring spirit.. and you have blessed me.. God bless you and those who visit!

  4. Wow! What a testimony and witness for all who have ears to hear. Such honesty and truth for all wives to know and believe(meaning DO). Thank you for sharing and taking the time to write this. One day the Lord will let you know how many relationships were repaired because they read this, considered in their hearts, and put kind words and deeds into action! Thanks again, and God bless you.

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