February 16, 2025

Some interesting reads for you…

I apologize for the lack of *me* around this neglected blog lately. Just for fun, here’s some good stuff:

Are you writing up your Christmas shopping lists? Mine will be simple this year, hopefully! My hubby’s family does the traditional Christmas gift exchange, while my family just gets together for the pleasure of it and the good eats! My eight yo daughter wants a Bible with larger print–she said she’d be happy if that’s all she gets. Aw. Isn’t that awesome? (Should I test that theory?)

How is everyone? I’d love to hear how things are going…

11 thoughts on “Some interesting reads for you…

  1. Things are good and thankfully slowing down, I hope. Our Christmas lists are short and simple and I’ve trying to be creative and more frugal with some extended family gift! Good thing we have lots of wedding pictures that we can use to create inexpensive gifts! I honestly don’t want a thing, but hubby insists on getting me something, hmmm. And I think that’s awesome about your 8yo!!

    Colleen’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: fall colors.

  2. The “Tyson” article in many ways typifies the problems in much of society about who we “trust” concerning what’s good for us. Does a government approved “stamp” make something good or safe for us? Is a well-known mega-corporation that uses “family” as it’s promo really looking out for what’s best for its customers? Or is the bottom line “greed” – as in, “the love of money is the root of all evil.” Wouldn’t it be better to trust someone whose face and character you know personally to raise your meats, eggs, and produce – rather than a faceless entity that is profit driven? Better yet is the do-it-yourself attitude like Alicia. Raise your own – then you know exactly what’s in them. Here’s something you should try if you have the stomach to do it: visit a commercial turkey farm, walk through the confinement buildings if you can without a mask, look at the dirty birds, see the piled carcasses, see the anti-biotic laden feed, and see if you EVER buy a grocery store bought bird for Thanksgiving again, now that you know the truth. Most people don’t know (ignorance) and most people don’t want to know (apathy). Ignorance and apathy – the two-some that destroys nations from within.

  3. Have fun with that list, Leticia! Are you a day-after-Thanksgiving shopper? Not me!

    Alicia, it’s hard to ignore, isn’t it? I got into “chickens” just by wanting farm eggs, and now I’m seeing how they can be so much more than just for eggs. Butchering them was far from my intent, but with Farmer John and his wife letting me learn all about it, it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. Of course, I want one of their Whiz-bang chicken scalders and pluckers first!!! 😉

    John, I can’t claim ignorance or apathy anymore! What have you done to me? 😉 But seriously, the commercial turkey farm sounds disgusting. How do they pass inspections?!? I can’t wait for Thanksgiving…and my organic pastured turkey, yum!

  4. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then take a look at the difference between these turkeys: http://www.walterspoultry.com/whyheritage.html Which would you rather eat? Perhaps I should ask it this way, which type will you be eating for Thanksgiving this year? If you bought a supermarket bird, it’s like the ones on the left. Go ahead, cringe.

  5. Ewww–nasty! (As my four year old would say!)

    Those do tell the tale. I was just telling hubby last night–as we finished watching your video on Polyface Farms–that I really want to raise our own turkey next year for Thanksgiving…and he joked, yeah sure, so our kids can name it and fall in love with it…etc. 😉 But that’s farm life, and I’m sure I won’t want to go back to store turkeys after having yours.

  6. Spoken like a true city-dweller! 😉

    Seriously, let’s just hope we can follow through with it, lest we have a REALLY old turkey on our hands down through the years. What a tale that would be for the grands!

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