February 16, 2025

A Potpourri Post

Well, Christmas is over, the snow is melted, there’s mud galore…I’m wondering how everyone’s Christmas was…and what you’re doing on this “day after”…

We hosted the family gathering this year, which was a real treat. Our home is small, but everyone was game. I printed off several copies of three different Christmas carols, wondering if I’d have the gumption to hand them out and suggest singing–kind of an old-fashioned activity at a Christmas gathering in 2008! And there were some deer-in-the-headlight expressions. However, when we all hit three different notes while singing “Sleigh Ride“…precisely at this part: “…at the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop. Pop! Pop! Pop!” the whole room full of would be carolers simultaneously burst into gut-busting, eye-burning hilarity. I think we’ll always remember the comic relief of that moment, especially when my four year old triggered another round by innocently asking, “What’s so funny?”

I have to share another funny with you…when preparing the Christmas turkey, I decided to put my “anatomy training” of poultry to the test. Remember my posting back in the fall about our farming neighbors showing us how to butcher turkeys and chickens? Well, my store-bought bird in hand, I set out to rinse its insides and feeling around the inner cavity guess what I unearthed? A hefty length of esophagus that should not have been there! Ugh!! Sometimes methinks a person can know too much!

Today has been a day of enjoying leftovers, good books and testing out all the Christmas gifts.

I have a couple of book recommendations for you all. These books stand out to me as some of my favorites of 2008:

As much as I enjoyed and learned from the above books, I’m sure I’ll blog more about them soon.

So what did you do today? Did you have time to pick up a good book? What was it, if you don’t mind my asking?

8 thoughts on “A Potpourri Post

  1. The first thing I did was sleep in. Merry Christmas to me. Then I made the mistake of going into Walmart. All I wanted to do was pick up some medication. That place was nuts. After that I drove, in the thick fog, to pick up my husband on his final day at his second job. He’s taking voluntery layoff. We celebrated by eating out. Then we went home and I made some brownie mixes in jars to give to family members today (Sat.) at yet another Christmas gathering (our 3rd). Finally, around 10:00 I snuggled in next to my hubby, then about the time he was snoring I threw off the covers and turned up the fan considering the weird warm weather we are having.

    Bethanie’s last blog post..2009

  2. I loved singing carols with all the family sitting around, but we just had my parents with us this year. We sang carols at Church in English and Spanish! That was a hoot! Sounds like you had a good Christmas!

  3. Sleeping in is a real treat, isn’t it? Especially when you get up so early…your hubby goes to work super early, doesn’t he? I’m glad you had a great week of Christmas, Bethanie!

    Colleen, I bet that was a hoot–a multi-lingual Christmas songfest. Especially if you’re not Spanish speaking inclined… 😉

  4. I’ve heard the Hobbit is good too. Of course, I think a certain mentality is necessary…and since you already are a Star Trek fan…maybe it’s a given that you’d like Tolkein’s books! Glad you got some R&R that day anyway!

  5. Sounds like a great day! Especially the left overs part.

    I just started reading T.Boone Pickens book, ‘The First Billion was the Hardest’. Picked it up at the library – and like it better than I thought I would. It’s a great overview of the energy industry told in a voice that sounds like my grandfather.

    Enjoying your blog… nice to meet you.

    MaryAnn Ashley’s last blog post..Christmas Card Friday Part Two

  6. Hi MaryAnn! What a great snippet of a review–I’m so glad you shared it, I’ve never heard of the book. How neat to hear your grandfather’s “voice” as you read it! Happy New Year!! Hope you stick around here, thanks for your kind comment!

    Leticia, SO glad you get some time off! Woo-Hoo!!! I’m coming over right now…

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