February 16, 2025

Merry Christmas 2009!

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince Of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Ahh…this is my favorite portion of the music in Handel’s Messiah. Majestic, isn’t it? All month it’s been singing in my heart. Though tonight, with the blizzarding and wind gusts slamming into my drafy old farmhouse, the lyrics going through my head are more along the lines of Winter Wonderland. Sure is “frightful” out there! But so cozy to be inside, out of the cold.

This Christmas with so many of us feeling the reality of this economy on an already tight budget, it’s a good time to take the focus off of ourselves and our needs and wants, and instead be grateful for the many blessings God’s granted to us. Number one: our Savior! The world is truly a “frightful” place without Him reigning supreme in your life. If you haven’t already, come into His “light” and find peace and warmth, and eternal security by believing that Jesus died for you personally, that day at Calvary.

I am so grateful for His loving mercy and grace in my life. He’s blessed me with a godly husband, and three pure-hearted daughters, and though living on one income these days is a challenge, we’re reaping the benefits of all this time spent with each other. My cup is so full.

Let’s remember the wisdom from Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest,

“Self-awareness is the first thing that will upset the completeness of our life in God, and self-awareness continually produces a sense of struggling and turmoil in our lives.”

Probably of all the thing competing against keeping Jesus the center of Christmas, self-centeredness or “self-awareness” is a biggie.

Praying for a day of Christ-awareness in your life and mine today!



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