February 16, 2025

Dealing With Interruptions

Check out my June article, Dealing With Interruptions, at Parenting Q&A, hot off the press! ;O)

Here’s the question:

I’m a stay-at-home mom, but I also freelance three days a week. Balancing parenting with my writing career is more difficult than I thought it would be. We do need the extra income, and we feel strongly that we’re to be the ones raising our three children. However, I’m verging on burn-out over here and can’t get a break for all the interruptions.

Happy first day of summer, everyone!

2 thoughts on “Dealing With Interruptions

  1. From a pastor’s point of view, and one who juggles many priorities (not always successfully), I have learned by experience that many “ministry opportunities” often come disguised as interruptions in the daily routines of life. Whether you call them “aha moments,” “teaching moments,” or “ministry opportunities,” learning to look for God’s purpose(s) in the interruptions is a key in proper perspective. What you can learn about life, your children, or yourself in those interruptions can be enlightening, although not always flattering.

    Incidents may become patience builders or provide specific lessons whereby humble confession is needed. And thus we grow in faith and in the wisdom of God.

    One can learn about “divine delays” or be only provoked, irritated, and frustrated, depending on one’s perspective. If we look for God’s hand in our day-to-day routines, we become teachable students, ready for the next adventure of faith, willing to gain the next level of spiritual maturity or virtue, and able to exemplify our Saviour to those who are watching us.

    Seeing interruptions then as “stepping stones” along the walk with God, changes one from being a chronic complainer focused on self, to one from whom praises to God flow with ease. Learn to praise God for the interruptions, knowing they are tools in the hand of the Master potter, working the clay from which we are made, into usable vessels – meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

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