February 16, 2025

Easy Baked Salmon

Friday mornings are usually reserved for Bible study luncheons with my parents. With our hectic schedule, we haven’t had any semblance of regularity with our studies, but it worked out today! Dad taught on Matthew 24, regarding the signs of the end. Riveting stuff, as we see it come true all around us. We followed our study up with one of our favorite treats: Baked Alaskan Salmon. Wow. We absolutely love this recipe, so it’s about time I shared it here at the blog!

I always double this, and go heavy on the spices and cracker crumbs. But here is the original recipe.

Baked Wild Salmon Fillets

  • 4 salmon fillet
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1/4 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1 stick butter melted
  • 1/2 of an onion diced
  • 1 cup (or MORE)  cracker crumbs (we like Back to Nature cracker rounds)
  • juice of 1 lime or lemon

Preheat oven to 350″F. Blend seasonings together and rub into fish. Roll seasoned salmon into the cracker crumbs, packing the crumbled crackers onto the fillets. Put in 9×13″ glass dish. Sprinkle each fillet with diced onions and drizzle with lime or lemon juice, about 3/4 TB per fillet. If you have crumbs leftover, go ahead and add them to the dish. Bake for 25-30 minutes and dig in!

These were AMAZING with fresh steamed garden asparagus, tossed salad and homemade Texas toast! My mom likes to bring her double burner cast iron griddle and a loaf of French bread, which she and the girls slice and butter (real butter all the way, man!) both sides, then grill on the griddle. Ta-da–Texas toast, and is it ever delicious.

Fun way to round out the family time: Quiddler. If you like word games, such as Scrabble and Boggle, you’ll love this one.

Why not schedule a Bible study luncheon of your own?

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