February 16, 2025

Labor Day Pizza

Labor Day is here, and with it, wide open windows and highs in the 70’s! And we’re LOVING it. After all, July’s never-ending line up of 105+ degree scorchers is still very much alive in my memory! Whew. Dare I hope fall is really arriving? Happy dance!

My little girls celebrated by digging out their jackets, and raking up a huge leaf pile. After about a hundred leaf-splattering dives they came inside for hot cocoa and marshmallows! Ahh…the rosy cheeks of fall!

There is something about billowing curtains and chill temps that fires up my creativity. That and my oldest daughter telling me that home-made bread was a must on this day. So out came the grain mill and the prairie gold wheat berries and my favorite pizza dough recipe, which doubles up nicely for rolls or buns, and we got to work. Pretty soon my younger girls were rolling out individual pizzas and adding their favorite toppings, and in the end, we had a delicious pizza lunch and since I doubled the dough recipe, we’ve also got buns for supper. We’ll cut them open, butter the insides and grill them on the griddle, then serve them with bacon and cheesy fried eggs! Mmm! Mine will have fresh basil leaves on it as well…are you hungry yet? *wink*

Here is our favorite pizza dough recipe, it’s easy, FAST, and a real joy to mold around in your hands…just add a little olive oil to your hands first, and fall in love!

Pizza Dough

  • 2 packages of yeast
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 5 cups flour (I use 100% whole wheat home ground flour, you can also use half whole wheat and white flours)
  • 4 TB olive oil
  • 2 tsp salt
  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water with 2 tsp sugar.
  2. Pour into a mixing bowl with remaining ingredients.
  3. Knead (I have a dough hook attachment to my mixer, that’s what I use, and it doesn’t take but 4-6 minutes of kneading for this recipe)
  4. Let rise in a greased bowl, in a warm place for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Punch down, and use for pizza crust, or let rise again another 20 minutes and make into rolls or buns.

Sometimes we make pizza pockets instead of pizza…those are fun. Roll out chunks of dough into circles, and fill half the circle with  your favorite pizza toppings: hamburger, onions, black olives, cheese, etc. NOTE: NO SAUCE! It will leak out the edges. Fold your circle of dough over and crimp edges to seal. Make a slit in the top for steam to escape and bake in a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes, and serve with sauce for dipping. We love these.

Happy Labor Day!

9 thoughts on “Labor Day Pizza

  1. I love that pizza crust! I haven’t made it for a while though.
    We have a new baby match! I wrote about it on my adoption blog – desirecometh.blogspot.com

  2. Wow looks delicious! Your recipe is really worth trying, and I will definitely try this recipe one of these days, for now I will get one deliver. 🙂

    Happy Labors Day!

  3. The problem, as I see it, is those yummy pictures you post along with the recipe! They make my taste buds tingle! I love your pizza, honey. Was pizza really ‘invented’ in the United States? I wonder if you can freeze the dough, do you know?

  4. I love Pizza and I’m so ready for fall. This summer has been brutal and I can’t wait to have a lovely firepit in our backyard. I usually order Pizza for our pits but with this recipe I’m going to make it myself. How do you ground your own flour? I’m sure that makes the taste even better.

    1. Hi Pam,
      I love this time of year too…cooler mornings and evenings and yes, fires in the evenings! I have an electric grain mill (Nutri Mill brand), so I simply fill it with wheat berries and turn it on, and a few minutes later, I have warm, fresh and nutritious whole wheat flour.

      Hope you enjoy,

  5. Hi Mom!
    Not sure about where pizza originated! Would have to “google” it! ;O) You know, I’ve frozen cinnamon roll dough without baking it first, so I assume pizza dough would hold up to the same rigors! Not promising anything though!


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