March 12, 2025

First Day of School. Check!

The plans are mapped out and in on my kitchen counter… Btw, several of the following ideas are taken from Terri Camp’s Ignite the Fire book.

  1. Tea Party Breakfast…yes, china teapot and of course: Kolaches for the main attraction!
  2. Nature hike up the hill behind our house and out into our horse pasture. I have a list for each girl of things to find and document. Prizes too! The last thing is for them to find something that doesn’t belong. (Strategically placed by *me* and having to do with later activity)
  3. They each get a penny for every completed item on their nature checklist. These will be used in the penny toss game. All my muffin tin holes will have an alphabet letter, the girls will take turns tossing pennies to review phonics and oldest will make up 4-5 letter words.
  4. Back inside, we’ll make a big dice out of poster board, and use it to play a floor game that goes all over the house…into and out of the bathtub even. I’ve got 26 questions written on fourth-sheets of typing paper, and I’ll have blank papers in between each question for bonus moves. Roll the dice and count to your question. History, Science, Math, Bible, Spelling, Physical actions…sure to be fun! The last square is a question that will lead to our next activity…a craft!
  5. We are making mailboxes, with flags even! Each girl can make one…I will make one for “us parents” and hopefully it will encourage a lot of nice note writing back and forth! I’m foreseeing a lot of anonymous gift giving…

So that’s the plan…we’ll see how closely we stick to it! We’ve also decided to do day #3 of Kolache baking (half of today’s batch is going to work so daddy can share with his co-workers) as we STILL have fillings that need used up! 

Last night my oldest was begging to do math! Ha. Just you wait darlin!

Also, you wonderful dry erase board experts~the cleaner worked great! And so did writing over the permanent marker with a dry erase marker and then erasing! Our white board is ready for school!

I’m counting on your prayers today! Happy Homeschooling!

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