March 14, 2025

Got a Blueprint?

Dh and I were watching a Jack Johnson dvd that the “surfin’ cowboy” loaned us last week. One of Jack’s songs, “Symbol In My Driveway” really provoked my attention. I wasn’t sure of the exact lyrics so I looked them up online here

The lines that arrested me:

“I’ve got a lightbulb full of anger and I can switch it on and off

 Situations that can be so bright I can’t believe how pathetic we can be

I’ve got a perfect set of blueprints, I’m gonna build somebody else

Might cost a little more than money but what’s man without his wealth?”

Whew. The song has a whole different attack, but the lines above are what I’m exploring.

“Gonna build somebody else”… Trying in the flesh, aching to be good, to do good…all on our own apart from Christ.

Filthy rags. Immaturity. Reliance on self, on everyone around us, on money for happiness and getting angry when we or someone else lets us down once again. When the money buying our happiness runs out…and the chips fall, what then of that perfect blueprint?

There is only one perfect blueprint, it’s in the Bible.

So what’s your blueprint? Are you trying to build a castle in the sand?

Or one on the rock?

5 thoughts on “Got a Blueprint?

  1. Now i do not know who this performer is. I assume he claims to be Christian. In that case – the discrepancy is obvious. But then, I do not suppose we may expect a lot from show business, right?
    My blueprint is clear and solid, but it was not like that always… And I am aware that my former situation is typical for the majority of people on this planet.
    The older I get, the fewer illusions I have; but at the same time my acceptance of the Doctrines of Grace helped me to understand one very important truth – that it is not up to people to choose. So it is not up to me to judge them for their inability 🙂

  2. Great thought provoking post. I’d sure like to build someone else, but often times my excuse to consult the blueprints (Bible) is I’m too busy!

  3. Ann, he doesn’t claim to be a Christian. In fact, who knows, but I don’t think he is. Have you had the Curious George movie there in Sweden yet? Jack Johnson is the one who wrote and performed all the songs in that movie. They’re such happy melodic songs, that dh and I immediately fell in love with the soundtrack! We own it, and are giving it out for Christmas gifts…it’s a sing-along-song/lullaby for children, but I think I like it even more than my children do! There’s something about the laid-back summer feeling of guitar music and Jack Johnson’s “crooning” that takes me back in time. Anyway, back to his being a Christian or not. He does have some pretty moral songs, that make you think he’s at least trying to make a “better world”…he may be a secular artist that is trying to cross both lines? We highly recommend his Curious George soundtrack, but can’t claim to know much about his adult music/lyrics.

    Gina, I’m glad God is the Master architect! Now I just have to keep reminding myself that my ideas of success aren’t always His ideas!

  4. Another thought relating to your blog is ‘what is your personal spiritual philosophy of life? We all know some unbelievers who make better neighbors and have more exciting marriages than some of our believing friends. So how do we deal with that? Jesus told us that we would have tribulation in the world and personally I deal with tribulation differently than a lot of my Christian friends. My heart cry is to be like Zacharias in the Christmas story who was a righteous man, walking in truth. I want my family to be happy but I want more for them to walk in truth. I want people to see God in their lives. I’m trying to develop my own philosophy of life. What do I believe? Why do I think and speak and act like I do? What is my bottom line? What is my norm? I loved your comments on being at home how you want people outside your home to perceive you.

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