March 10, 2025

Sunday Drive

I love Sunday afternoons!

Are any of you subscribed to the Taste of Home magazine? Our issue arrived yesterday–the cupcake contest issue–and nine year old baked up a batch of the champion recipe: Special Mocha Cupcakes. Mmm–I had to brew the coffee for her, but she did the rest!

This afternoon, unfortunately for us, my hubby got called out to fight fire–second time this month that’s happened on a Sunday afternoon. Dh has been a volunteer fireman since he was in junior high school–he comes by it naturally as his dad is the fire chief. A few years ago, we added a brother-in-law to this same department…so it’s a real family affair. They take a lot of pride in keeping nice rescue equipment…and believe me, these men that volunteer in the small communities volunteer far more often than just responding quickly to actual fire calls. They spend hours each month on truck maintenance and training. And get no compensation for their troubles. Maybe that’s why my MC (main character) in my current WIP is a volunteer fireman. I so admire that selfless community spirit in my hubby!

March-April is pasture burning time in the mid-west. Farmers and ranchers burn off the dead prairie grasses and before a week has gone by, the blackened earth begins sprouting green. I love to see how quickly it renews itself. We attend church in a small town 30 miles away, and our entire commute includes scenic pasture land as far as the eye can see…and at 55 mph it’s easy from week to week to gauge the greening process.

So three questions:

  1. What do you see on your Sunday drive?
  2. Are you a city dweller, or do you live outside city limits?
  3. How many miles away is your church?

6 thoughts on “Sunday Drive

  1. bless your hubby

    30 miles away,
    1. Houses, some rural land, new housing development and new bridge development, shops, more houses

    2. semi rural, across the road is farm land, behind us is a main road and the sea, right beside us are neighbours in pre1931 houses, along the road from us say about 5 or 10 minutes is the city

    3. 7.5 miles/12 kms wow you live quite a way from your church Mary
    Filed under: Christianity, Family Ties —

  2. 1. City, interstate, then rural farm land, cows, horses, houses, …many semi trucks!
    2. We’re right in the middle of the city. I confess, I do not like it as much as the country. I like space and grass!
    3. About 65. (It’s in a more rural area, whereas we live in a larger city).

  3. I love both of your descriptions, neat to picture your surroundings! Jen, the sea practically in your back yard!!!

    I think if I hadn’t been raised for the most part in Austin,Texas, I’d be bothered more by our 30 mile trip to church. Seems like everything (best malls, school, etc) in a big city is at least 30 minutes away! We actually go through our own small hometown on the way to church, it’s only ten minutes from home, and has many churches to choose from, unfortunately, none the right fit for our family. Now 65 miles or kms, Amy? 🙂

  4. 1. I see a lot of houses and then a few businesses on the way, on they highway. Then we turn on a country road and then see cows and horses and more homes. But the view is so much better, because there are a lot of green hills.

    2. I live in town, I don’t think it is large enough to be called city, or maybe it is?

    3. It is about 20 miles I think


  5. Leticia, I’ve been to your state and it’s so gorgeous! One of our best family vacations ever…I’ll never forget the Christian bookstore/coffee shop that was next door to our hotel…what a great way to start the day! I well remember the green hills…

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