February 16, 2025

Post, Movie, Book Recommendations

Today is my day for posting at Writer…Interrupted. My post is titled, Writers and Parents. It’s mostly a parenting post, with connections writers will identify with.

On the home front, dh and I have been working every evening on our deck. We finally got the undergirding finished and have been laying the floor–16′ 2×6 boards. We go till dark then put all the tools away…the rain last night interrupted the process, so we and the girls watched Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution III instead. Awesome series, available at Wal-Mart!

I’ve added Amy Wallace’s blog to my blogroll. She’s the homeschooling mom of three girls that writes FBI fiction. Her first book, Ransomed Dreams, Defenders of Hope Series #1 was just released. I’ve ordered it, and hope you do too. If you order it through my link here, my Christian Book Distributor Affiliation gives me a percentage of the sale.

In fact, anytime you want to order from CBD, if you use their nifty drop down search menu (on my sidebar under the survey) to get to their site, your total order gives my account a bit of credit. And it doesn’t cost you a thing extra.

Have a great day!

9 thoughts on “Post, Movie, Book Recommendations

  1. This is such a perfect time to spend evenings outside! I can’t wait to see pictures of this! It sounds like you had a productive night and also some family time!

  2. How do you all find the time and energy to build a deck? I get home so tired and don’t want to do anything.

    When you are done, take some pics of the new deck, please.

  3. Hey, I’ve gotten two private emails after this post published both demanding pictures…I will, I promise! It might be a deck without railing for a while, till we can afford that part!

    I am tired tonight, Leticia…half a headache always affects me that way. Ideally, we wanted to take a few days and attack this project, but years have literally escaped waiting for the perfect block of days off. So we’re plodding along working at it two hours or more at a time in the evenings. Tonight, DH has started w/o me, so I must run…just got online real quick to price gold gossamer for decorating at my parent’s 50th anniversary…

  4. Now if I’m being rude and presumptuous here, I do apologize. I’m pushing the limits of time I’ve spent on the computer and had to stop reading ‘everything.’ I know how difficult it can be sometimes to find a good book, so in a fit of frustration began writing again after a hiatus of many years. I’ve got a couple novels out that have appealed to folks (male and female) who want a certain standard of morality in their secular reading. My very elderly parents and my elementary school grandsons liked them, so here goes:
    In the Gloved Hand
    The Taste of Violets You can see pics and info at all the standard online stores, or check with your library. PLEASE, if you happen to read them, let me know your CANDID opinion. Thanks so much! They’re both set in WWII but are not war stories per se; family oriented, some terror, some humor, some mystery…don’t really fit a ‘genre.’ A common thread of genuine human love runs through them. ’nuff said.

  5. Grandma Noni, no need to apologize, I’m so glad you shared your love of writing here with us, and told us about your books! WWII always fascinates me, I will be interested to look up your titles. Right now I’m reading a very old book, an autobiography of a Jewish female spy in WWII, “A Girl Called Judith Strick”. It’s got my attention completely! Have you ever heard of it?

    Again, thank you for wanting to share your books with us!

  6. Oh Mary!! When I do get around to placing my order from CB I will definitely do that CBD thing for you! I didn’t know that and, like I said before, my list is building up there!

  7. Cool, that would be great! I’ve never had anyone order through the site here, thanks, Geri! All you have to do is access CBD through my little search box in the sidebar when you’re ready to make your order. No pressure! Lol!

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