March 11, 2025

8 Random Things…


Yesterday I was tagged by Georgiana D for 8 Random Things. You all know I’m a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom that loves cappuccino, writes, reads, cooks, survived an octopus “attack”, etc. I guess I can add a few new things to that list. That being said, here are the rules:

1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules
3. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Are you ready? Here are my 8 random things/habits:

  1. Dh and I rarely get to bed before midnight. On the rare occasion that we do, it’s ALWAYS 11:22 P.M.
  2. My least favorite chore is cleaning the ceiling fans.
  3. I crave jalepenos when I’m pregnant.
  4. My favorite summer treat is strawberries dipped in sour cream and then in brown sugar. Yum!
  5. I’m like the mouse in Mouse Cookie. If I bring in the step-ladder to clean the ceiling fan, I get sidetracked and stop at the kitchen light fixture to replace a light bulb. Then while I’m up there, I see that some cobwebs have collected, and pretty soon I’m washing the ceiling…
  6. I’m always running late and I hate it. (Perhaps tis the mouse’s fault?)
  7. I’ve been in all the states except Hawaii. My favorite one is Alaska maybe because I was old enough to really appreciate it. My parents loved to travel and we jaunted cross country in the Oldsmobile every chance they got. Have I mentioned here yet that I get violently carsick? (Just ask Deborah)
  8. I started blogging a year ago when friends at a writer’s conference said it was a good way to keep the writing muse exercising…I’ve found it to be a spiritual blessing as well. I really appreciate all of my bloggie friends!

So now I have to tag 8 people. I tag: Deborah, Brandi, Ann-in-Grace, Amy Melton, Amy @ Knight’s Acre , Jessica, Rhonda, and Larry

10 thoughts on “8 Random Things…

  1. No matter how I try, I never make to bed until after 11:00 PM and believe me I want to be in bed by 10:30 PM, but for some reason, I am doing things at that late hour.

  2. I love strawberries too. We have to wait until Christmas time here. I have never tried them dipped in sour cream and then in brown sugar. I shall have to later in the year 🙂

  3. Yes, Jen, for sure try it, it’s almost like cheesecake…mmm!

    Leticia there’s just not enough hours in the day!!

    Larry and Ann, I’m on my way over to read your 8 things! Thanks!

  4. Well, thanks for including me…but I’m out of time here today and don’t know when I’ll get back on again! I also don’t know 8 other people to tag. But I did love reading the 8 things about you and I will post 8 things about me…is that all right…or am I disqualified? ;)I will also check out the others you tagged because I just love to read about people!!

  5. Whatever works, Deborah, no pressure! I’m wondering if you’ll share 8 things that I, as your real life friend, will be surprised at! 😉

    I checked yours out, Amy, good list!

    I’ve actually read everyone’s, at least those that have participated so far! I feel like I know you that much more now, thanks for playing. 🙂

  6. oooh I just can’t image the strawberries dipped in sour cream and then in sugar…bit strange…btw you might need to update your link of my blog 🙂

  7. Amy, it’s wonderful! I couldn’t imagine it either, but it’s almost like an instant strawberry cheesecake…or something. Yum.

    Btw, this is an OLD post, published in 2007, and you’ve already replied once to it! lol. I’ve got an “archives plug-in” that pulls up old posts and sort of recycles them to keep the front page new. Just saying, you were tagged for it almost 2 years ago!


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