February 23, 2025

More To-Do Lists Than I know What To-Do With…

Yes, three big to-do lists, and I finally checked one completely off…getting my toddler summer Sunday school class decorated before summer quarter starts!

I’ve been making butterflies, etc. (for decorating the classroom), mega-cooking (for our upcoming camping vacation), and calling/coordinating a zillion things for this weekend’s big 50th wedding anniversary party. It’s time to leave the camping list half-accomplished and zero in on the day-full of family reunionizing that this shin-dig has turned into! All good…I can’t wait to see my extended family from Oregon, Tennessee and elsewhere. And oh, to finally get to decorate that HUGE Fair building that we’ve rented, my hands are rubbing together with glee! I will have to snap pics of it to share with you all…

Please forgive me if I’m sporadic here in blog-land…and cover me with your prayers! I’ve been taking my girls into town each morning so that they can participate in my big sister’s church VBS program…and tonight we have one of my nieces spending the night. We’ll have company in and out from Friday night-Monday morning.

Btw, that muffin recipe I posted this past weekend? You’ve got to try the orange variation with the sugar-coating! Mmm!

OH! We had a baby colt born today! A beautiful bay…course his mama was a bay when we bought her, and she turned into a gray roan. Her babies seem to follow this trend, which we love…if you keep up with bloodlines, this is the Smart Little Lena line…

Love to you all, and you know I’ll try to catch up on all I’m missing when I can…


5 thoughts on “More To-Do Lists Than I know What To-Do With…

  1. Thanks, friends! I’m still plugging away…tomorrow I shop for food and tomorrow night I meet my sisters to decorate the building…

  2. 50th Anniversaries are so neat! You don’t see too many of them, but what an inspiration! I hope and pray your “reunion” goes well. Have fun decorating!

  3. Thanks, Georgiana! We decorated tonight and I did have fun! So much fun my sisters left over an hour before me…I get on a roll and can’t stop…it looks nice! All we have to do now is get the helium balloons (about 50 of them) from downtown out to the Fair Building in the 4th day in a row of horribly high winds…FUN.

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