February 16, 2025

Portaluca and Impatiens

I braved the searing temps this morning to water my flowers, fully expecting them to be wilting in protest, or maybe even completely dried up. Poor things were parched all weekend. Between errand running Saturday morning, and boating/tubing at the lake Saturday afternoon and grilling there that evening, and SS/church Sunday morning and VBS Sunday evening…watering plants wasn’t high on my listMoss Rose of priorities!

Thankfully, the 95 degree temps are welcomed by my hardy Portaluca blossoms, aka Moss Rose…their oranges, yellows and pinks were full flower despite great cracks in the dirt around them. They’re the neatest ground covers…mine are in full sun beneath our corner living room windows, along the part of the walk at the base of the stairs leading to our front door–and as yet unfinished deck.

What makes them so special? In the hottest hours the Portaluca unfurl like twirling Spanish skirts, then wind down all day till evening when the flowers all but disappear, no color visible, except the spiny green of the stems and leaves. Then they greet me afresh the next morning, and I’m dazzled by their resiliance.

Lavandula Angustifolia My Impatiens are really my favorites though. I have such great success with these dainty flowers. They definitely weren’t feeling too grand after their two day drought, but perked up with a good watering. They do love their shade. This little bed is under my kitchen windows, framed behind by Irises, and around by limestone rocks the girls and I hauled one year from the hill behind the house.

Just like flowers, I have friends who function better in sun or shade.

Me, I like both. A rainy day now and then just makes for a good cozy-home-day with hot coffee tea all around and good books, while sun spilling on my hardwood floors makes me want to clean house and fill up the kiddie pool.

How about you? What lifts your inner flower, sunshine or shade?

…both pictures available at Allposters.com…

6 thoughts on “Portaluca and Impatiens

  1. summer
    and its pouring rain here today 🙁
    which makes it hard getting out and about
    i much prefer the nice warm sun

    love your flowers

  2. oh I love impatiens (we call them busy lizzies here), I have them through my garden in different colours, they self seed too and very pretty.

  3. And summer is over for you now, right, Jen? I somehow can’t imagine celebrating Christmas in the heat. 🙂

    Busy Lizzies? That’s cute, though I kind of like Impatiens better, lol. I’ll tell my girls about their “other name”…

  4. First thing in the morning I love sitting on the patio in sunshine, listening to the birds while I have my quiet time.

    In the afternoon when it’s warmer the umbrella over the table goes up and we enjoy a nice lunch in the shade.

    Both are great! It’s just nice being outdoors after winter months.

  5. Sunshide–sane– I get them mixed up.

    Most mornings I’d prefer to wake up slowly to the drizzle of the rain on the window and the mist beckoning in the fields, while there are the rare exceptions when I don’t mind the white summer light demanding my attendance to the day.

    By afternoon though, I’m fine with the sun and love a doozy of a sunset.

  6. Elizabeth and Jessica, I so identify with both of your eloquent comments! There is something so nice about rain on the roof in the mornings, but also to be able to be outside at the beginning of a brand new day, before it heats up…

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