February 7, 2025

Fishing on a Saturday Night

luresandtackleboxesEver since that first unseasonably warm week in February–when in shock and awe we shut the corn stove off and bought a watermelon to celebrate–my three girls have been begging to go fishing.

Saturday happened to be a nice weather day and a day off for my hard workin’ man! So around 5 p.m. we gathered up poles and girls, loaded the 4-wheeler and set off up the steep hill behind our house, through the gate into wide-open prairie and blue skies, giddy at thoughts of fried fish for supper and who knows what adventures in the process of snagging them.

We blazed our trail across the “stone wall pasture”, into the “Burr pasture”, zigzagging hills and creek bottoms across plains that two weeks ago were lightiwhoabigoneng up the evening sky as only prairie fires at the hands of control-burn-happy ranchers do. Already wildflowers and five inch shoots of spring grass green up the rocky hillsides. We have the pasture to ourselves, and entering through the third gate, a mile or so away, destination  pond comes in sight.

Piling off the four-wheeler, the girls grab their poles and hurry as quietly as pre-adolescent girls can manage to the water’s edge. Their poles are ready to go, lures clipped to lines and the first cast snags a fish! It’s going to be a big one! Wow, what a beaut!hugemouthbass

Thirty some fish later we’re having fun! Look at this huge-mouth bass, and while you’re at it, don’t miss the big smile on the little gal who landed him.

funwithfishieWe caught our share of little guys, and not wanting to be “baby killers” we, of course, let them go–humane jokes galore.

Persuaded my hubby to leave this poor  amphibian alone (he’s always wanted to try frog legs)… See Daddy Frog there with only his head sticking out? 4 year old’s special find of the night!

bigfrogdaddyWe fished almost the entire perimeter of the pond, breathing our woo-hoo’s to each other at each catch, unwilling to disturb the peace or scare the fish, either way.  As the sun went down, we packed up and counted the past 3 1/2 hours tipondatsunsetme well spent on a Saturday night…and it wasn’t over yet!

We still had a slow twenty minute ride across pastures with a bucket full of pond water and fish dangling from the rear rack, six keepers to clean, chores to do and then bass to fry. fishbucket

By 10:30 p.m. we were finally sitting down to crumb wrapped fish and home-made fries with apple pie for dessert.

Such fun in our own backyard! Well, practically our own backyard! ;O)


6 thoughts on “Fishing on a Saturday Night

  1. I love fishing with my family and I do miss it. It really has been years since we last went fishing.

    I got sunburned this past Saturday at a soccer game watching my nine-year-old play.

  2. Ever send out invitations to such fun-filled events? This old fisherman is also one of the former top frog catchers in America, with an armload of wild and wooly stories on frog catching. Once hand caught a big old bull frog right after I preached a message in an evening camp meeting. I was still in my Sunday suit, and did it only because the director said such a thing couldn’t be done. I presented Mr. Bull Frog to a wide-eyed, open mouthed director within 90 seconds of his “it can’t be done” declaration.

    1. Bethanie and Amy, it was fun, and to tell the truth, going fishing isn’t usually on my list of “exciting things to do”…I used to take a lawn chair and a book and tried to feign enthusiasm. But as with other things in my life, I’m learning to not be such a stick in the mud. I used to think camping must be a drag until we actually went somewhere awesome to camp (the Black Hills of South Dakota) and then the camping bug moved in permanently! And there is a lot to be said for enjoying the enthusiasm of family. It was a blast. (Of course, it helps to catch a fish every other cast! We’ve had the opposite happen! No bites at all)

      Colleen, your camera still does a pretty good job, huh! Thanks again, its made my blogging with pics so much easier!

      Leticia! The soccer mom saga begins, huh! Hope that sunburn has tamed down by now.

      Farmer John, would love to go on a fishing expedition with you! I’m sure we’d have THE most fun stories to share here on the blog afterward! Especially if I got some footage of you hopping in the lake after a frog… ;O)

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