February 24, 2025

Back From Vacation

So my hubby springs his vacation plans on me during the week of the stomach-flu from you-know-where (or was it salmonella from tomatoes? we’ll never know…). I had one week to prepare for a 1500 mile round trip camping vacation. Joy! Here I was just thinking we were fortunate to get healthy in time to be of some small help during our church’s Vacation Bible School. But with the help of my dear mom, we were rolling out the weekend after VBS with full coolers of food–enough to last us a week. (More than enough, actually, we finished up the chili dogs just last night)

Our destination? Well, you know how I am with persons/places and things. I’m kind of careful about what I share online, but suffice it to say we went way up North–not quite to Alaska, but… We have friends up there that we haven’t seen in five years, and hubby declared it time! What fun we had, me and my friend Jana and our combined households. It stormed off and on while we were there, so instead of camping, we bedded down in Jana’s living room on her hide-a-bed…which really added more talk-time and helped us to make the most of the visit. Being “rained in” with this family was a treat, believe me!

We did enjoy two nights of camping in perfect weather and gorgeous settings…one lakeside and one creekside, both with great facilities (hot showers, clean bathrooms, awesome playgrounds, freshly mowed campsites!) We picked up two Australian shepherd stockdogs on our way home and picnicked our way across three states and several VERY COOL playground parks! No restaurants and no hotels, and almost all our sightseeing ventures were freebies! Our gas-chugging Suburban averaged 15 miles per gallon loaded down and fighting side winds most of the way, and with gas prices hovering around $3.89/gallon, we paid out less than $350 for gas. Campsites, ice for the two coolers and visiting a Butterfly House combined to total another $40-$50…not too bad for a six day road trip across 1500 miles! Imagine if we’d had a more economical vehicle…but we sure appreciated the room to spread out in the Sub, and the back was packed floor to ceiling with camping gear! Three nights parked at our friends’ home helped bunches too, and that’s where the highlights of our vacation happened!

All in all, a great few days! I don’t have all our pictures developed yet, the ones in this post I happened to take with my digital camera…

Coming up:

Big Families: The Outsider’s Scoop My experience as the guest of a super-mom with six kids

Meatballs with Dill Sauce, Garlic Mashed Red Potatoes, Crockpot Cake and French Toast Breakfast Casserole Super scrumptious recipes my friend made for us during our stay at her home…keepers for SURE!

What to Pack for a Do-It-Yourself Vacation From traveling entertainment to snacks to cooler/ice chest meals, I can’t wait to share what I do and learn all of your tried and true tips!

Campsite Kettle Beans with Bacon and Mushrooms A delicious make-ahead campfire dish, perfect for fourth of July get-togethers

11 thoughts on “Back From Vacation

  1. Yeah, but I’m getting used to my hubby’s spontaneous ways! It’s kind of a wild ride, but at least my gray hairs are justified! 😉

    Thanks for stopping by, MIn!

  2. So glad you had a fun trip! I was worried there for a second when I didn’t see anything posted! Glad you’re all feeling better too!

  3. Welcome back! now it’s just back to laundry and all–huh? Your girls have beautiful hair!

    Oh I forgot to tell you, I’m hosting a “It’s Real Life” Festival on Thursday–come on over and check it out; it’ll be fun! Hope you can come play with us.

    Jessica’s last blog post..It’s Real Life Badge

  4. Thanks so much, Jen!!! 🙂

    Yep, we’re home, happy and healthy, Colleen! Nice to find home intact with the midwest’s weather what it was the week we were gone!

    Hi Jessica! I actually stopped by your site today via bloglines–yes, I finally subscribed to that and spent last night adding everyone on my blogroll pretty much. I love the idea of your new festival, and I’ll try to play! As for laundry…I may be caught up from the trip’s mounds, but it just keeps adding up, doesn’t it? 😉

  5. Looks like you all had a wonderful time! Makes me want to talk DH into taking us out camping. I can’t wait for your new blogs to come out…those recipes look to die for! And the big family one looks interesting too!

  6. It was a treat, Amy, they boasted of 1,000 butterflies, and they were SO pretty! I’ll have to post some pics once I catch up on the posts I’m already promising! 😉

    Geri, good to see you! Are you settling into your new home? Have a chance to try out your Pampered Chef stuff yet? I’ve got two recipe posts slatted to publish tomorrow, and the big family one will come out Thursday! Still working on the other one! 😉 Glad to be home safe and sound! Can’t wait to hear an update from you, how are things???

  7. Things are going alot better now. We are all moved in finally, although we still have a garage full of boxes to go through, not to mention the ones scattered through the house. But things are definitely getting more settled. I miss our old house though…this one will take getting used to. But it is nice to see DH 1/2 hr after he gets off work rather than over an hr. I have been using the PC stuff thank you! While we were unpacking DH set up the apple peeler/corer and thought it was the coolest thing ever. But as soon as we moved in I came down with something (well I ate 2 pieces of shrimp at my brother’s birthday party and apparently the Baby doesn’t like seafood because I was sicker than a dog for 3 days after). So unpacking was slowed down a bit, but I’m much better now. Anyways I will try to send you an email soon and update you more…just heading on to check out your new posts…that french toast one looks yummy!

  8. So glad for the update! Shrimp and seafood sometimes does that to people…I had a similar experience after eating crab once. I can hardly look at it now! Glad you are feeling better and getting used to the new place. Yes, email me when you get a minute, we can catch up!

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