February 23, 2025

Fifteen Yards and What Do You Get?

A whole lot of mowing…

Actually, I’m referring to fabric in my title. One of these days, when I finish painting the house and refinishing old furniture (will I ever? hm…) I’ll finally get to sew curtains for the bedrooms in our house! Oldest daughter and I were able to go fabric shopping and sales afforded us enough fabric (15 yards!) to cover all our floor-length needs! I will post pics when we’re done…

I’ve been overcome lately by the good things in my life. Pure richness to be able to spend all day doing what I want to do. Reading to my daughters. Baking sweet rolls. Working in the yard. Plotting birthday parties. Finding sheer enjoyment in a new fifty foot garden hose that makes my watering chores a hundred percent easier. Basking in the fact that I’m only 33 and have a lifetime of summers ahead of me not to mention an eternity of dazzling proportions…

God is so good! What are you thankful for today?


Happy Fourth of July fellow Americans!!! If you get a chance to listen to Focus on the Family today, do so! It’s the second part of a really great broadcast about our nation’s Godly heritage. Eye-opening!

8 thoughts on “Fifteen Yards and What Do You Get?

  1. I am thankful for getting to stay at home with my children, and also to work for my family, instead of a job some where else. I am thankful that God loves me, and watches over me during my hardtimes. I am so thankful to live in America, where I am free to do what I wish. I am thankful for each of my loved ones, and the good health we all have. I could write a book….LOL God is great!!! Happy 4th of July. Juli

  2. That is great that things are going so well for you. I too am feeling very blessed.This is definitely what we are supposed to be doing.

    Let me know when you are ready to start sewing those curtains. I have several patterns and would love to bring my machines down and help.

    Andrea’s last blog post..Creating Ties That Bind

  3. Great things to be thankful for Amy and Juli, thanks for participating! Today is such a beautiful day! Not too hot, perfect…

    Andrea, you are SO generous! I wasn’t going to do anything fancy…in my room, I already have filmy under-curtains hanging, so will make floor length panels with a simple rod pocket at the top…in the girls’ room, I was thinking along similar lines but wanting to find a contrasting fabric for some type of swag across the top. We have cream colored roman shades in there and it’s a corner window, so kind of hard to put wooden pole rods in there where they meet in the middle–though I finagled it in our living room…I’ll probably go ahead and make the curtain panels, and if I find the perfect swag material, I’ll email you for pointers!

  4. I too have been feeling extremely blessed to be able to spend all day doing what I want to do – summer is grand! Watering my flowers. Reading blogs. Reading books. Laughing at the chickens being kissed by the girls. Spending lots of time with my extending family. Enjoying homemade ice cream. Still being excited at the sound of my hubby’s truck as he comes home to us. Lightning bugs. Getting in the kiddie pool with my girls (and praying no one sees me!) Watching my girls walk in the yard holding hands, following their Daddy. God is good!

  5. Amen! You captured my feelings so well with your list of favorite things! I had to run in the house the other day for the camera just to catch my chickens pouring out of the chicken house into the coop for the scraps I’d just scattered. It made me so happy! Silly! And just the other night we had our middle of the night firefly catching fun with cousins we’d invited over to cook-out. Magical! Plus, I just LOVE summer because dh only works half-days, and is home the rest of the time with us. A great reason to rejoice!

    And the weather last night! PERFECT for camping! My girls woke up COLD this morning. That is amazing for July in the midwest!

  6. My chickens are a kick in the pants! I realize now why my Mom used to sit out IN the chicken house on a folding chair – they’re so funny! Can’t wait to start getting some eggs. At the feed store they said maybe in September. How nice that your hubby is home more in the summer! Quite the oppoite for us with haying and simply more daylight, we often don’t see him till bedtime. 🙁 That’s one of the best things for me when the dreary winter approaches – Daddy is home BEFORE supper!! 🙂 Happy summering my friend!

  7. Ha! How funny about your mom! I’ve never been particularly excited by chickens before, but raising them from baby chicks certainly invested me! I love the things. My hubby is even catching the fever…he keeps asking me when they’ll start laying eggs. What is your plan for keeping up with the eggs? Are you planning on selling or giving away, or what? I’ve got stacks of egg cartons adding up in the attic…with me, my sister and mom all saving them, lol.

    Happy summering to you too!

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