February 23, 2025

Little Miracles

I think contentment is cultivated. I believe that joy and peace are a by-product of resting in faith, waiting on God…in the little things even more so than the big things. It’s the little things that happen constantly, so what better training ground for the “big” things, right?

Certain unpleasant happenings will always come our way…but we can choose not to react, or get bent out of shape, or waste time worrying and fretting over how to handle the latest glitch to mar our lot in life. How much better, rather, to wait and see how the Lord wants to work? He’ll never let you down!

Here are a few “for instances”…

God gave it back to me…

When my b&sil’s house burned down, we helped all we could but it never seemed like enough, you know? Our savings accounts have never been fat, so what we did give may have looked like little, but it came from our hearts. At the time, I’d really been ministered to by my Point of Grace CD, How You Live, the album I raved about here on the blog, that dh slipped in my Christmas stocking? Well, I was deeply moved to get it out of my CD deck one day when I stopped by their “new” rental. I loved that CD, but felt like my sil needed its message of hope and peace more than I did at that point. Knowing that she isn’t a Christian music fan had me second-guessing–I almost felt like I was throwing my CD away…I still haven’t heard from her whether she even listened to it, or thought about it twice after I gave it to her…but that’s okay. I could have chosen to get upset, to wonder why I’d given it, or whatever, but honestly, I acted on something stronger than your average impulse, so it was okay.

A couple months went by and I almost ordered a new CD twice, but held back. We needed the money for other things. Guess what God did for me? He gave me a new one. My hubby came home from work and handed me the day’s mail, which included a packet from our local Christian radio station. He’d been the winning caller on the exact Point of Grace CD that I’d given away! Can anyone say AWESOME?!? I missed that CD so much, and God knew. He knew! He cares about the little things. And he let dh be the gift-bearer–twice!

God’s into Pool Pumps

A few years ago our in-laws gave us one of those 12 foot by 3 foot inflatable pools, the kind that come with a pump to circulate the water. We set it up a couple of weeks ago, and our girls enjoyed seven days of water play–spending HOURS each afternoon and coming in sun-browned and *exhilarausted*! Well, almost a week ago, the pump on the pool quit working! Within two days the pool turned green! Horrors! We only got a week in it and after checking the price of replacing this particular pump ($60!!) we were trying to remain hopeful that daddy could work a miracle and FIX. THE. PUMP.

So we drained the pool, hubby and I scrubbed it out and we refilled it. That was this past Sunday night. Meanwhile, I had a pool pump on my ebay watch page…and I was thinking, if dh can’t fix that pump, we’re wasting a 1,000 gallons of water and I’m not exactly thrilled about having to scrub this pool out yet again!

He took the pump apart, fixed a broken washer, and hooked it back up to the pool again. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Okay. I hadn’t really let myself be anxious about it. These things happen, but man. To have a nice pool one week…that’s like torture, to-have and then not-to-have. The next day my mother-in-law called and found out about our dilemma. Guess what? She still had the pump to her old pool, which had been tossed last summer after the sun and weather damaged it. She brought it right over, along with more chlorine pellets and we’re back in business. Just like that. Only went four days without our water fun–three days actually, b/c we spent Monday afternoon at the lake!

Milk for the “babies”…

This last example is humbling to admit…but who cares, right? I haven’t gotten used to hubby being on half-pay yet–fyi, during the summer, he puts in half the hours at his “real” job, so that he can catch up on saddle and leather projects here at home. Problem is, he’s been spending more time catching up on “fix-it” projects than paying “leather projects”…so anyway, I overspent (not to the point of overdraft–thank God!). Our daughter had a birthday and birthday meals with family over get expensive, our Saturn hasn’t been running reliably so gas expenses have been hugely noticeable…anyway, we’re basically making one week’s worth of groceries stretch to two. Which really isn’t a hardship, b/c I have a full pantry, and beef/chicken in the freezer etc. My hubby joked with me when we stopped at the grocery store for ten gallons of drinking water only (when you live out of town you make the most of your grocery stops!) that you know you’re pathetic when you feel rich because the water jugs are full!

So we ran out of milk. I do keep nonfat instant dry milk around to cook with, so we HAVE milk, you understand. It’s just not that palatable for a couple of my milk drinkers. So guess what!? My parents are headed out of town for a while, and they brought over their perishables! Part of which was over a half gallon of milk! We can make that last till the next paycheck, easily! Also among the goodies were fresh veggies, several of which were on my internal wish list!

**Please don’t feel shocked or badly for us, if I could have hubby home half days forever I’d gladly get by on half the pay. Summer is my favorite time of year b/c of his time at home with us. It’s totally my fault that we have found ourselves strapped this month…I just wanted to share how you can take a dismal situation and not let it ruffle you. And then watch God provide. Yes, even when *you* got yourself into this mess in the first place!

If we didn’t have the hard times, we wouldn’t know or realize or appreciate what God can do.

His mercy and grace ever astound me. What has He done for you lately? I’d love to hear your testimonies of His goodness…

O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together…Psalm 34:3

7 thoughts on “Little Miracles

  1. I think you’re right Mary, I also think that trusting in God has alot to do without it as well.
    What has God done for me lately? Well…He’s been focussing on my mouth – in particular my speech:

    Colossians 4:6
    Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

    Amy’s last blog post..My Family – Cartoon Style

  2. Mary…I know just what you mean. God shows his strength to us during our daily trials, and like the loving father he is, he loves us even when we mess up, and provides for us. I have had to stretch food until the next pay check quite a few times in my life. Perhaps the hardest was when I was in Colby, about ten years back. We were going to college and living in a basement apartment. We were expecting student loans which did not come until half way through the school year. Our land lady allowed us to pay her when we got our loans, so that was not a problem, but we had no money for food. I did the nursry and children’s church there, and the church gave me 10.00 per week. That was all we had to buy food and dipars. LOL God took care of us though. Tristyn was nursing then, so he got his milk from me. I purchased flour and dry navy beans. Every day I made biscuts and beans, and boiled water so we would have bottled water to drink. (as Colby’s water was not the best.) I also had a thing of vitamens that daily we took. We lived like that for months. My parents came down for a visit, and of course I cooked them the meal we ate daily. They loved it so much that at Christmas when we went home, Mom had made it for us. I could not eat it, and I told her why. Of course she told me I should have told her about it, and they would have helped, but I was glad we did not. God gave me so much appriciation for what I had that it was a blessing. I also read the long winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and realized my hard ship was not that hard. God has blessed you and your family, for knowing where true riches lie. Hugs. Juli

  3. Thanks, Amy and Juli for sharing these things with me. I love that verse, Amy! Seasoned with grace…such a great directive, wouldn’t life be peachy if everyone played by that rule of speech?

    Juli, we’ve been there too…living on beans and homemade bread, etc, during my dh’s self-employment years. I lived by the Tightwad Gazette book, stretching every last dollar. So now when I do crazy things like run us close to no money, it really makes me mad at myself. I was really encouraged by what you shared though, it helps to know that other Christian wives have been in the same situation and to find understanding and not condemnation means a lot. I think with the economy as it is, more and more families are already feeling their belts tightening. I can’t believe how expensive milk is!

  4. This last weekend I went to a Homeschool Encouragement Day, put on by a friend’s church. The main speaker talked in the morning about raising daughters and in the afternoon about raising sons. The son’s part was about power/leadership. But the daughter’s part centered on raising a girl towards contentment. She called it Contentment Curriculum. It’s interesting that we can set our little girls up to have a hard time in whatever financial situation they may find themselves in in their futures, by our example and teaching. Or we can show them by word and deed that they always can have joy with absolutely whatever God puts in their hands. The seeds of discontent breed grouchy bitter women. It was a good reminder for me as I set the tone in our home.

  5. It is a good reminder. That was one thing that impressed me in the Tightwad Gazette books…the author made a big point to say that you should never have a “we’re so poor, poor us” mentality when pinching pennies…rather, to take on a “we’re responsible and smart with our money” approach.

    That’s one thing I’m very thankful for…so far…our girls have never felt like they’re “missing out”. They don’t ever tell me that they wish they had what so-and-so has…and they have little concept of name brands, etc. However, their cousins definitely put a huge value on owning MP3 players and wearing Nike shoes, etc. If this is a big perk of homeschooling (not being surrounded by peers wealthy enough to have all they want) then I’m all the more sold on this lifestyle! 😉 I know there is a lot more to it than our choice to homeschool…but my girls’ self-worth doesn’t seem to be at all affected by their (lack of) material abundance.

  6. That is very interesting. My husband is a huge Dave Ramsey fan. He was just telling me last night how we may be broke for several more years and even a few when he first gets out of school but we will never be poor because poor is a state of mind.If you are poor you are a victim if you are broke you made unwise decisions. When my husband and I first graduated from college we were poor and we had more money coming in then we do now. Today we have two young children and we are broke making mostly wise decisions with what we have, but I can sympathize I have spent are budget to quickly at times. The Lord Always blesses a faithful heart.

    I think the thing that the Lord has taught me lately is to trust him with big sisters hair. It does not upset me either way. If she keeps it great if she looses it we will praise him any way.

  7. I love that, “The Lord always blesses a faithful heart”…thanks, that blessed me!

    You are going through a difficult “training” ground for learning “trust”. It’s amplified when it has to do with your children, isn’t it? You hang in there, I’m glad God has given you peace!

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