March 11, 2025

Monday Mornings

Woman Placing Her WashI love Monday mornings! Sundays are busy for us, so having a day at home is always something to look forward to!

Plus, my children are usually over-tired from a busy Awana club meeting the night before, so they sleep in a little bit, allowing me more time. I’m usually fired up about getting the house in shape after letting it go over the weekend, so starting a load of clothes is first on my list, and if there’s time, I get our lesson plans for the week all written in before the girls wake up.

Seeing to the chicken chores is another welcome morning routine, necessitating a trip through the brisk morning air–revving up my lungs and heart and putting the final touch on “waking me up” to a brand new week!

How do you feel about Mondays?

The wind is howling today, we’re almost done with schoolwork, 4 year old is napping…and I’m thinking about supper tonight…we had steaming, oven baked sweet potatoes for lunch, slathered in real butter and sprinkled with ground cloves…most delicious, nutritious and filling lunch in the world.

Hope your Monday is going great!

7 thoughts on “Monday Mornings

  1. Saturdays are the best, of course! Especially on dh’s weekends off. It’s so nice to have a full day together w/no outside commitments.

    Have a good rest of the week you all!

  2. Amen! That’s the spirit! 😉 Even if it’s all gone downhill, huh.

    Speaking of which, one of my cousins could use everyone’s prayers. She went to the ER last night after vomiting up blood and they pumped her stomach of blood, cauterized the bleeding place and are keeping her tonight as well. Her hubby stayed with her till morning, and then fell asleep on the way home and wrecked their car. I haven’t heard any more details than that. Not sure if it’s an ulcer, or what.

  3. Truth is, I love Monday mornings.

    I work from home, work online and care for my child (and dogs)

    I probably work longer hours than I ever did before – but its fun too.

    The reason I love Mondays?

    Every Monday morning I wake up and remember how much I used to hate them – and that makes me real happy.


    Scott Farley’s last blog post..Making Time for My Design Hobby

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