February 7, 2025

Parenting Q & A Column

funny_road_signDoesn’t this sign capture the sad hilarity of what many people believe is the inevitably bumpy road of parenting?

Let’s face it, there really is a crush of godless parenting advice out there, and sometimes I think the devil just brainstormed up every parenting lie possible that completely opposesĀ  scripture and like Hitler’s cronies, we buy the outrageous lies with no questions asked. And the fine print on the price tag demands our children’s souls.

A biblical worldview is crucial to raising godly children in this culture. This simply means putting on your “God lenses”, becoming familiar with His words, seeking His will for every facet of your life. It may be old-fashioned and unpopular, but it’s obedience! God tells us in His word to “come out from them and be separate” yet how is this done exactly?

I’m ever so thankful for my Christian upbringing by loving parents, and for the several older and wiser couples along the way who weren’t afraid to stop alongside and share what God had shown them about this great adventure of parenting. It’s so easy to get discouraged, confused, off-track and just plain exhausted when it comes to raising kids with a Biblical world-view, a heart for others and that genuinely want to obey and respect God and their elders. I do firmly believe it is possible, yes, even in 2010, to accomplish this because in spite of many failures on my part, I’m seeing the sweet fruit in my children every day. We’re not talking perfection, ha. But parenting by the “Book” does reap radical rewards.

I love opportunities to encourage other moms to take to heart the Biblical direction found in Titus 2 to “…love their husbands and to love their children…” and to “Train up a child in the way he should go…” so I was excited when a pastor friend asked me to contribute to the Parenting Q & A portion of his website, WordExplain.com. So far I’ve contributed two articles, the most recent one is titled, “When Life is Not Fair.” If you have any questions you’d like addressed in the column, please emailĀ  Mary[@]homesteepedhope.com–without the brackets, and I’ll do my best to share the bottom line of what’s worked for our family. If you do take time to stop by his site, I want to add that there are many more parenting articles archived there covering a variety of subjects.

“What God is to the world, parents are to their children.”


It’s a big responsibility, but let me ask this…what in the world are we doing for God’s sake? If you’re a parent, there’s your answer.

2 thoughts on “Parenting Q & A Column

  1. Christians are finally waking up and realizing that we can’t just let other people teach our kids, but that we have to so that they know the truth.

    Thanks for the resources, and I’m glad that there’s another family that stands for Him!

    1. I agree to your first statement, strong as it is…I have nothing against schools or teachers–I know there are fantastic ones out there–but everything against the religious lies of evolution that are alive and well and brainwashing all the Christian kids out there. There’s not enough time as it is to teach the important (God) things…and I homeschool! We have to keep eternity first and foremost in mind as we raise our kids.

      I’m glad for your family also, thanks for the encouragement!

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