October 18, 2024

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Mothers

Chicken Soup BookI’m published! *Smile*

A few months ago, Shelley Ring,  my good friend and critique partner, emailed me suggesting we both submit devotionals to the Chicken Soup people. They were looking for submissions to fill their Devotional Stories for Mothers project and the deadline was a week (or less?!) away!

So we churned out our stories, and both of them got through all the rounds to the finals! How exciting to be published together, in the same book, for the first time.

My wintertime story detailing a particular home front crisis of  “cabin fever emotions” is on page 294 titled, Rebuilding Castle Walls.  Shelley’s story, Hug ‘Em and Pray, shares from a step-mother’s heart the struggle to meet the cry of her step-son in his dark hour. You’ll find it on page 90.

Every story in this newly released book is preceded by a scripture verse and ended with a prayer. This encouraging collection of heart-squeezers would be a fantastic gift for the moms on your list!

Product Description

Throughout time, women have shared their joys and sorrows, thoughts and feelings, experiences and life lessons with one another. The tradition continues in CSS Devotional Stories for Mothers with 101 stories of friendship, faith, and comfort that affirm God’s unconditional love and His wisdom. Women will find encouragement, solace, and strength in these personal stories and prayers that cover motherhood from its joys and everyday trials to tests of faith.

About the Author

Susan M. Heim is a long-time Chicken Soup for the Soul editor and Christian author, specializing in family-oriented books and women’s issues.

Karen C. Talcott is an author and educator with an expertise in women’s issues, faith, and angels.

Foreward by Lisa Whelchel, best known for her long standing role as “Blair” in the television series, The Facts of Life, is a wife and a home schooling mother of three children. She has appeared in several feature films and is an author, vocalist, Grammy nominated songwriter, and an inspirational speaker at churches and conferences nationwide.

Buy the book now at Amazon.com!

7 thoughts on “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Mothers

  1. Well, finally I’ve gotten the details. Of course the slow guy is me. I hurried through a
    whole lot of Chicken Soup books looking for your article, thanks to the family letter’s info.

    Couldn’t find it and your Mom suggested to check out your blog. So now equipped with the
    facts I can look for it in actual print.

    Such an accomplishment and like your Mom who was published some 44 years ago I am so impressed.

    Now, I’m reading some medieval historical novels and understand you might have some pictures of three little sweeties in full dress.
    That’ll be my next wish to see.

    Happy Thanksgiving and be glad you’re not out here in the wild west where we’re in the low 20’s and zero or below expected for tomorrow night. Love ya.

  2. Thanks, Mom! Any talent I have in the writing dept is from you and dad, of course! ;O) ((Hugs))

    Happy Thanksgiving, Aunt Ruth!! I’m sorry you had to wade through a bunch of books looking for the right one! I would have saved you all that time if I’d known…It came out in October, but I just didn’t get around to announcing it here till our local paper did a short blurb–then I felt like maybe I should get on the ball!

    Yes…I will post pics of the medieval feast and the girlies in costume…as soon as my friends’ email me some pics…I didn’t have a camera that evening! Love you much, Auntie!

  3. I wish I had seen this before Mother’s Day! My Mom would have loved that book…I’ll have to find it for her bday coming up or next years Mother’s Day 🙂 Congratulations Mary!

  4. Love the sharing of the word and thnaks for adding me. I praise God for His daily peace. During this time of year, I am one who chose not to get caught up in all the Christmas commotion. I have been doing this for years and feel absolutely peaceful. Years ago, I reassessed this particular holiday season, chose to eliminate the emotional stress, unnecessary spending, not being able to purchase for all of my love ones, including friends and coworkers, shopping in the hustle and bustle of standing in long lines, etc. It’s one of the greatest decisions I made for me. I still enjoy fellowshipping with family and friends during this time without feeling pressured or obligated in any way. Jehovah Shalom is my God of Peace. Thanks for your posting on Peace Be Still.

  5. Minhwan, me too! We reassessed it all two years ago and God has blessed our decision so much. I always was bothered by the “glitter” and stress that accompanied “Christmas”…no more. Our children haven’t missed it either, we enjoy the simplicity of winter now and feel like we’re more in God’s will than ever before. That’s a good feeling, nothing compares! Thanks for posting here. :O)

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