February 16, 2025

Celebrating Purity

At twelve years of age, her parents gave her a purity ring. Yesterday, she gave it to her future husband during their wedding vows.

The groom shares the story of how as a sophomore, he was cornered in a booth at Pizza Hut by his girlfriend-to-be’s father. This loving father wanted to lay the ground rules for their relationship, and, he wanted to know what this young man’s intentions were toward his daughter. 6 years later, this past spring, same Pizza Hut, the two men met again and the younger asked the older for permission to marry his daughter.

Purity is a beautiful thing. My daughters and I sat in the front right next to the stringed quartet and I whispered to them that a girl’s wedding day is one of the most special days of her life.

If you want to read a wonderful little story…perfect for telling those young girls on the verge of puberty…go to Karen Kingsbury’s journal and on the entry for March 24, 2006 she shares a similar wedding experience and ends it with a story. A story about a King looking for a prince with the right kind of love and respect for his daughter, the princess.

It’s a story I’ll need to share with my oldest very soon, as I’ll explain in my next post!

P.S. Happy Birthday, Mom!

3 thoughts on “Celebrating Purity

  1. That’s terrific. I just came back from a wedding that had a girl giving her purity ring to her husband. I think my brother and his bride-to-be both have such rings. It’s not a bad reminder for a girl or boy!

  2. That’s a lovely story, purity is something I have been sharing with my children over the years and now that my oldest son is 11 it’s becomming an important issue.

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