February 4, 2025

Behind the Scenes

Winter is knocking and can’t decide whether to snow or sleet! Right now sleet is slamming into my windows…and I’m cozy inside!

Yesterday dh took off work and attended a symphony concert with us. Our homeschool group gets tickets annually for a performance, expenses paid by local sponsors. It’s something we all enjoy…yes, even cowboys can appreciate an orchestra!

Afterwards dh took us out to Denney’s for lunch, and then dropped us off at Barnes and Nobles. He took toddler with him to get some wiring at Lowes, so we had an hour or more to browse all the goodies. I just LOVE bookstores.

I plan to have my oldest, now that she’s a third grader, participate in the standardized testing at the nearest (30 miles away) Christian school this spring. So I was pleased to find a book for 3rd graders that has sample/practice problems to prepare her for the format the tests use.

Dh loves his new job. He says it’s wonderful being in a “back to the farm” atmosphere again. Plus, his boss and co-worker are Christians so he’s not having to hear the language and rot that he was hearing all the time at his former job. Another bonus according to dh, “It’s a switch to jump in a truck and have it on a Christian station for once!”

He’s anticipating April, when he’ll have half days to get back in his leather shop. The wiring he bought yesterday will be used in getting the shop ready to go. Would you believe, this wiring costs $2.40 a foot, and God let us have it for .50 cents a foot? Over a hundred dollars in savings, considering we needed 50 feet! And all because the employee in the aisle offered dh a deal on some that a customer had had cut and then changed their mind about buying. Wow! These things really make you feel God’s hand is on your every decision.

Feeling really blessed,


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