February 5, 2025

A Little Girl is Born

Do you ever wonder what the future hosisters.jpglds for your children? Do you pray for that newborn you hold close at night, that she’ll let Jesus be the Guardian of her way?

I’m sharing here snapshots from my mom’s life, born a homesteader’s daughter out west–that’s her–the dark-haired baby in the photo at your right, with her older sister. In her childhood, she and her five siblings had polio, measles, mumps, chicken pox, you name it. They survived. I can’t imagine being their mother, and wondering if they would. Or how she felt when their school bus flipped over into a canal and all the children escaped the water-filled bus intact.mom.jpg

Fast forward to my mom, in her Bible college days…where she met my dad. They married and had four children in fivmomdadwedding.jpge years, while dad attended seminary and started his lifetime career as Pastor-teacher.

Here thfamilypic66.jpgey are with my brothers and sisters: this photo was taken the summer before my brother David was hit by a car on his way home from kindergarten. He’s the cutie standing in front of my dad. Who could know that he’d die at only six years old? God knew, and had prepared my parents to accept it with what they call “dying grace”.

My parents will celebrate 50 years of marriage this June, and as I address the stacks of anniversary invitations, I can’t help but reflect on God’s faithfulness in their lives.

Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, sung at their wedding, and at mine, has been a song I’ve prayed over each of my newborns as they grew. It’s a perfect lullaby, especially when you substitute the “Us” with “Her” (or “him” if you’re raising little boys)…

We don’t know what the future holds for our children, but as Christians, we can rest knowing God holds them in the palm of His hand.

In the meantime, what are we doing to equip these entrusted to our care with the Biblical worldview and grounding they’ll need in the days to come?

6 thoughts on “A Little Girl is Born

  1. How I just love those kind of photographs! My mom doesn’t have any, her dear *rolls eyes* took them all and won’t give them up!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Just this morning as I watched my seven-year-old baby running into the school, I couldn’t help but pray over him.

  2. Well, I feel like I’ve just seen these for the first time…at my mom’s during our Easter brunch Saturday, we all got to pulling out photo albums and what a boon! I, too, love these type of photos, and it’s even better when you know the people in them! Thanks for commenting, Leticia!

  3. It is my hope that my children will accept Jesus into their lives.

    I realise that some people dont believe getting children’s immunstrations done but all my children have or are having theirs and I thank God that most children these days arent effected by childhood illnesses as they use to be.

    How sad that the accident happened to your brother. So young. Big Hugs.

    Congratulations to your parents on celebratating their 50 years of marriage this June.

    Its such a blessing that God holds all our futures in His hand.

    I think its important to take our little ones (and bigger ones – in Billys case) to church with us. Im finding this challenging at the moment as Daniel is an active toddler however I know in time he will get better at being quiet in church. I believe that the family that pray together stay together.

    Interesting post Mary 🙂

  4. What lovely photos! I always enjoy looking at vintage photographs – it gives such an insight into other peoples lives and how they were back then. As for entrusting our children into God’s care, yes that is such an interesting and true concept. I think that at some point we have to learn to slowly let go and keep up the daily prayers for them so that God can watch over them for us.

  5. Thank you, Jen, for all you shared! Keep up the good work with Daniel and Billy…I understand what a challenge it is to have a toddler in church with you. My toddler is slow to adjust…:) As for my brother, I never knew him…his accident happened 9 years before my birth. I would have loved having another brother, but I’m confident I’ll meet him in heaven!

    Amy, I was hoping the “Petticoat Lane” lady would stop by and see my pics! 😉 I so enjoy the ones you share over there…

    I think if we’re allowed that gradual weaning off of being the one in control of our children’s welfare, then that’s wonderful. But I can’t help but think, what about those children that are kidnapped, the ones that disappear for a lifetime? Were they “equipped” Biblically to deal with that kind of horror? To know verses on fear, reassuring ones that God is the one friend they can always count on? We have to start young for many reasons…

    Thanks all for stopping by!

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