March 12, 2025

Good Monday Morning to You!

A brand new week has arrived–and early June means summer vacation for most of us, which, hopefully, translates into extra time for those projects we’ve been putting off dreaming of accomplishing! For me, that would include, in order of importance, of course:

  • finish planting the garden (gasp, YES, I know how late it is!!!! I’ve been BUSY people!)
  • finish painting the house (I’ve been plugging along at it for a month now, it’s lookin’ good!)
  • scrub and bleach the back porch now that the chicks aren’t calling it home (sigh, can I hire someone to do this? it means moving furniture, etc, outside, taking down the mammoth venetian blinds…)
  • power wash the exterior of our chicken house, primer and paint it (i’m rubbing my sore shoulders already–between this and the total gym, i’ve got it made)
  • help hubby build a chicken run that is varmint proof
  • put in some new flower beds at the back of the house (which means a ton of rock hauling)
  • finish the deck. we’ve got an unrailed ramp leading off the deck out to an elevated play area with a slide and climbing wall…all of that needs railed and roofed, and another set of steps built. (totally up to hubby, and he’s getting behind on his own projects so this might take a back seat) But I’m here to help, hon, whenever. you SAY the word! 😉

If I get all of the above done…LOL…whew, here’s hoping…then I need to get around to some indoor projects, like sanding and repainting my kitchen cabinets and trim. Something I did ten years ago and don’t relish doing again. That’s removing hardware times forty-seven cabinets and drawers (yes, I counted)…sanding them all, primering them all, and 1-2 coats of paint? But sadly, it needs done and we never hire anything done that we can do ourselves. (Yes, that means I get to sanitize our back porch all by myself. woo. hoo.)

But guess what? I’m glad it’s not at white-glove-test-perfect currently, because we’ve got a new tenant! Three days after we moved the chicks outside, we moved the most adorable Australian Shepherd pup in! Her name is Guinnea and she belongs to my 7 yo. If you remember, 7 yo is the one that’s good at saving her money. She bought a trumpet last fall, and now she buys a 7 week old pup. Guinnea is just in the house for the time it will take for these two girls to bond. We’re so EXCITED! Now we’re in the Border Collie business as well as the Aussie business! The two *smartest dogs in the world and you’ll be able to buy them both here (as soon as dh finds a worthy male pup to invest in)!

Pictures coming! I promise! (We’re in the middle of a flu epidemic currently)

E.T.A. I added a picture of our puppy–isn’t she precious?!?

What projects are you hoping to accomplish in the coming months? Share in comments!

*technically, Border Collies are the smartest in the world. Aussies aren’t in the top ten…but this pup is smart, she’s already figuring out that she needs to trot to the door when it’s time to relieve herself outside, and she comes to her name being called! Yep, she’s a 7-week-wonder that girl! And SO fluffy!

9 thoughts on “Good Monday Morning to You!

  1. I love border collies. A professor in college had one that he’d bring to class and she’d run circles around the room. Wow, projects this summer for us, get married, honeymoon, get move in to a new house. That should be enough for one summer here! Hope the flu leaves you all very soon.

  2. No vacation for you, apparently, sorry kiddo. I work outside the home, so that goes for me too. As for projects, I really don’t have any, so I am great!

    Leticia’s last blog post..THE HUNTED

  3. Colleen, your projects are too exciting to be “projects”! This will be a memorable summer for sure, next summer you can do boring homeowner things, alongside your hubby! 😉

    Hi Leticia! I’m still viewing it as a vacation, since I don’t have to squeeze the to-do list in between homeschooling! I’m feeling the freedom from school…and so glad you have an uncomplicated summer yourself!

    Did you all notice I added a pic of Guinnea?

  4. Thanks, Amy, she is our love muffin!

    You’d love her, Geri, she is so personable!

    Andrea, I am curious myself. Guinnea is the name the breeders gave her. My 7 yo was going to name her dog, “Fleece”, which we all thought was perfect, but when she actually saw the litter of pups and singled this one out, she kind of liked the name the owners had already given her.

  5. Very pretty puppy!
    My projects:
    1. clean freezers
    2. rip up carpet in other bedroom
    3. move into other bedroom
    4. paint back bedroom
    5. move baby stuff into back bedroom
    6. plant flowers in front of house

    Bethanie’s last blog post..weight

  6. Bethanie, your projects remind me of 8 years ago, when I was doing the same thing…ripping old carpet out of our “extra” bedroom, painting it and getting it ready for us to move into so our oldest could have the biggest room to herself! It’s made a great playroom. These kind of home projects are so rewarding, and I like them because it’s the perfect do-it-yourself project. Hope you have a good crow bar to pry up the carpet tack boards! Are you leaving it hardwood floors?

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