October 18, 2024

Summertime Plans

I’m feeling the swelling of freedom that summertime possesses…it’s welling up in me, bringing a smile to mySummer Day, Children on the Banks of the Tweed, 1907 heart. How about you?

Last night I went out to eat with two friends from church at this wonderful little Mexican restaurant. We enjoyed authentic fare and great conversation! One last hurrah before one of the friends moves away…afterwards we went to her homey apartment and she blessed me with files upon files of great educational materials leftover from her teaching days! And also some home-grown lettuce…how pretty it was furling up over the numerous pots on her small balcony…we had it with lunch today! (Thanks, Andrea!)

We’ll finish up our homeschooling next Friday, feeling good about this past year’s accomplishments. Moving on to bigger things: my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary in early June (which means lots of family visiting!), a trip to South Dakota for my niece’s wedding the following weekend, VBS and 4H fair in July, and I’m going to be teaching a fabulous curriculum for the toddler summer Sunday School program at our church! Then there are plenty of other little things on the list to keep us busy as well. Like the deck, if we can figure out a way to budget in the remaining lumber we need to finish it up!

What does the summer of 2007 hold for you?

10 thoughts on “Summertime Plans

  1. Well I am just CERTAIN that my dear friend from XXXX must be coming to visit since she’s only going to be ONE state away! 🙂

  2. MMMMMMmmmmm. Moving. 🙂

    I enjoy this time of year, when we are able to shut the door on some things and open the door on others!

  3. Sorry about revealing that you lived in XXXX! 🙂 Didn’t even think…
    OK, our other plans for the summer include gardening. My favorite! It’s always so fun to watch the things grow…last year we had a HOT summer and I got a very nice catch of okra!!
    We are also currently planning a 10 or so day camping trip to the Tetons in our school bus/RV conversion! With all the out-laws! Now THAT should be fun.

  4. No problem, Jana! As you see, I fixed it! 🙂

    Ten days in the Tetons??? Wow, that will be incredible. I haven’t been there in years but it’s gorgeous. So happy for you!

    I looked up the distance from Hot Springs to your hometown on Mapquest and it was almost as far as just going directly from our home to yours…yikes. Big sigh. Dh and I are seriously brainstorming fundraising (what can we sell?!) to fund this trip so it’s a bit more than just a mad dash to a wedding and back. It would be so nice to see Mt. Rushmore, etc, with the kids, not to mention YOU GUYS. We’ve already decided to camp along the way vs hotel. The gas alone will be a killer!

  5. Yes, Hot Springs is a ways away…you MUST take in Rushmore. You should try to spend several days there if you can swing it at all…there is SO much to do. Great campgrounds, too. Maybe I can convince Troy to swing down on your way through?!? When will it be??

  6. Jana, am emailing you! Hoping you can recommend some of those great campgrounds!

    Leticia, I love “playing it by ear”…nice and uncomplicated! Maybe your summer won’t fly by…

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