February 16, 2025

Come On In!

Thanks for checking out my new site! While you’re here, see if you can add up the changes/additions and take the poll while you’re at it!

As I mentioned at my old blog, we’re planning some header changes, so read about my header pic while it’s still my header pic. You’ll see how my old-fashioned tendencies run even into my home decor.

Thanks for all the prayers…my family is over the worst of the flu, trying to get back in the swing of real life and homeschooling!

Stay tuned for my first real post later today…and please don’t forget to update me on your site feeds and blogrolls!



10 thoughts on “Come On In!

  1. Well…this will take me a little bit to get used to…you know me! The header picture is definitely you and says a lot about you as a person. I like the task bar on the comments! Do any of them come with spell check? LOL I absolutely LOVE the pictures on the right, or posters I should say. But some of my favortie pictures in my house, (storage!) were posters at one time!

  2. Hey, good to see you guys! Thanks to you both for updating me already! Wow…and I’ll have to figure out why we have no pics…strange!

    I love those posters too! I picked a whole bunch to feature here, all fine art and all children. To see them all you just click next at the bottom of the grouping.

    Spell check would be nice…I’ll look into that too!

  3. oooh I like how it looks in here, I love the template and layout, thanks for letting me know – I’ll update my links šŸ™‚

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