February 23, 2025

Tuscany Kitchens

My big sis is giving her kitchen a “Tuscany” feel…you know, earthy colors like terra-cotta, yelKitchen in Tuscanylows and reds…

My understanding of the Tuscany “look” is that it could incorporate anything from roosters to grapes to olive oil jars all lined up in rows…yes, I admit, I know next to nothing! (so share away in comments!)

My sis is good about growing herbs in her windowsill (I envy her green thumb–you should see her plants and landscaping!). In addition, she loves vintage art! So I thought I’d look up a “Tuscan” print for her…one chock full of poppies, since she mentioned she’s thinking about stenciling red flowers on her valances…Field of Red Poppies in Chianti Region, Tuscany, Italy

Here you go, Sis! A field of red poppies in Chianti Region, Tuscany, Italy…this one’s so pretty I’m wishing I had a room to hang it in!

Does anyone have any decorating tips to share on the Tuscany style? Would love to hear them!

P.S. Can you tell I’m really enjoying my allposters affiliation?

9 thoughts on “Tuscany Kitchens

  1. Hey…I just emailed you! Hope it gets there!

    I should put a “contact me” option on here… Mary @ homesteepedhope.com (without the spaces). I’ll try to do that tonight…

  2. oooh! I just love that look! I’ve got my grandma’s old marble tables in my living room with paintings of “Italian” villas by the sea. Wish I was there now!

  3. With all those great Italian recipes you shared a while back, I figured you had this look down! Thanks for sharing that, Gina…it sounds like a beautiful display.

  4. Well, my style is “country” even though it’s got plenty of hand-me-down items! 🙂 Quilts are good for that!

    Hi Colleen! Missed you the past couple weeks! Glad you’re back…and that you found me!

  5. This post is right down my alley! 🙂 I absolutely love ‘Tuscan’! And yes, that is what my kitchen is going to be when we redo it. I’ve already chosen the colors for the walls and floors. Now…when will that be?! You have seen the Tuscan picture with the field of poppies in my dining room, courtesy of my dear family at Christmas. I would like to try to paint it over my kitchen sink, since I won’t have a window and I’m going to frame it with old shutters. I LOVE roosters too, and have a couple pictures in mind. At any rate, the new kitchen will have lots of shelves above with lighting to showcase all things Tuscan. I can feel the warm breeze and see the poppies swaying…makes me want to start on that kitchen! LOL

  6. I thought you’d said something about liking that style…and I thought of your gorgeous poppy picture when I found the one above…

    The style suits you!

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