February 24, 2025

Home Again

We arrived home around midnight Thursday from our South Dakota camping trip! Friday was a blur of unpacking and at least six loads of laundry, hosing out three coolers, chasing away the house-webs that took over during our absence, getting umpteen rolls of film developed…etc.

Yesterday was more laid-back…we three girls worked on our individual photo albums, filling them with our trip-pics. Oldest made peanut butter cookies, 6 yo had to get some crafting in (having gone all week without her fix) so she sewed up a diaper bag for her baby sis. For lunch we had the last of the biscuits I’d taken on the camping trip with hamburger gravy…

Then we threw a couple salads together, cut up a watermelon and made a peaches and cream pie. Marinated some steaks for supper. We had hubby’s parents over for a thank-you meal–they did our animal chores each night the week we were gone.

Our trip was wonderful, btw. We had the bestest of times all around. I’ll catch y’all up eventually. God was sooo good to us! It was one of those trips that you don’t want to endburro.jpg…I even got teary-eyed when I threw the last woodsy-campfire smelling towel in the wash…

Can’t wait to catch up on all your news! In the meantime, isn’t that burro the cutest? My oldest took the pic at Custer State Park. Even the baby burros were friendly…

Happy Sunday to you all!

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