February 7, 2025

Our First Morning Camping

After harrowing t-storms the night we set up our tent, we woke up to crisp clean air, sunlight filtering through pine trees and no mud to speak of! (Big sigh of relief from this mama!)hike1.jpg

We decided to eat a quick breakfast (I think it was Jessica who recommended buying those small boxes of very sugary cereal and just pouring the milk into the waxed paper cereal pouch? Went over GREAT!) and took off on a morcamplooking.jpgning hike across the hills to an outcropping of rock that overlooked our campsite and the area around us.

What a view…and just the night before, we’d seen elk grazing on this same hillside. Best of all, our height allowed us this very welcome sighikeview.jpght: French Creek!

So we hiked down this incredible creek1.jpgcountryside, hubby with toddler clinging to his back…

And played in the cool waters with thefrenchcreekfun.jpg minnows and crawdads.

When one of our girls slipped and fell with a splash, dh was quick to join her so shechilidogs.jpg‘d laugh it off…

We hiked the horse trail home, feasted on chili dogs and had a family devotion!

A great first morning, wouldn’t you say?

And I’ve got the poison ivy to prove it!

15 thoughts on “Our First Morning Camping

  1. Honey, I’m traveling with you…I have a permanent love affair with the Black Hills and seeing it through your eyes fills my appreciation to the full. When we took your 2 nephews and niece 10 years ago, we came home and made a pictoral journal just as you all have done. It is so good to have you home but knowing you visited so many of my favorite places…well, that is a real cause for personal happiness. Having that lovely wedding in Hot Springs was a real camping trip ‘starter’ for camping up there.

  2. My dad and brothers are highly allergic to poison Ivy. They can just walk by and get it. They don’t actually have to touch the plant. The thing that works best for them is a Medicine called Zanfel. you can get it at Walmart though it is sometimes behind the pharmaceutical counter. It is expensive but it will clear it up in a day or two as long as you are not reinfecting yourself. This means lots of laundry. You need to wash sheets and towels after every use. Poison ivy oil can live on objects for up to ten years so make sure you wash everything you took with you. Airing them out will not remove the oil. You need to use bleach on hard surfaces and put vinegar in the rinse water in your washing machine. Don’t worry once they are dry things will not smell of vinegar.

  3. More, more, more!! I have been anxiously and patiently waiting for lots of details. Can’t wait for MORE!! 🙂

    It’s making me even more anxious for our big 10 day trip to the Tetons. But I’m finding out most of the camping there tends to be on the “rough” side…ie either no showers or showers that cost $3.25 each! 😮 We have 8 people in our family…do the math!!

    Did you go to Rocking whatever whatever?!?!

  4. You are amazing and wonderful friends, I just love this connection with you all! I hope you know how each comment just makes my day! 🙂

    Ann, your comment makes me smile, I haven’t forgotten that you’re not a camping enthusiast! But can’t you see what you’re missing??? Lol

    Mom, you were with me in spirit the whole trip! I can’t wait to pore over my photo album with you…you’re the reason I got ten rolls of film developed and am hurriedly captioning the book before we get together Friday. Am looking forward to that very much! I well remember our family trips to the Black Hills! Wonderful times.

    MIn, yes, the amazing life of a country mama! Just kidding. 🙂 I’ve been married almost 14 years and three or four trips stand out in my mind, this one being the most memorable so far. Time flies and I hope we can make traveling the US more of an annual priority before our girls are grown. Camping really makes it seem doable financially. Any more talk of a reunion at the Creation Museum? 🙂

    Andrea–ten years!? Can you hear me gasping!?!? Wow. I used to get poison ivy every month growing up…so that oil thing explains it very well. Funny, I have grown resistant to it here in our home state…the SD kind must have broken through my resistance. I’m so blessed to only have an outbreak behind one knee and on the instep of my foot. It’s past the seeping stage. Blech. I’m glad to know of the medicine and the preventatives. Lots of great tips! Thank you!

    Jana–we didn’t get a campsite at Rafter Bar J. 🙁 I put off reservations till the last minute, having my hands full with the 50th anniversary, and not knowing for sure which night dh planned on leaving for SD…it was a miracle we got the 3 nights in a row at Bluebell there in Custer State Park. You will be roughing it…that’s a steep price for a shower! Maybe you can do as we did, one evening we went to a water resort in Hot Springs (Evan’s Plunge) and took advantage of their showers before we left…I just took shampoo in with me in our swim bag. Saved me having to use the camp shower facility overmuch, even though it was very very nice! And just for you (and mom, who will see them all later anyway!), I promise to post more pics!

  5. You’re such a good wife and mom! You go the extra mile to make sure your family has the learning and adventure of a fun life. I really do learn from your spirit Mary! Share more pictures! Looks like a great trip–although I don’t know if I could stay away from the computer for that long. Eek!

  6. Thanks, Amy! Anything cooked on a grill makes me hungry! We don’t grill often enough…and didn’t even have to get the briquettes out on this trip, the pine needles/cones and downed wood flared up perfectly and smelled so good!

    Georgiana, your compliments overwhelm me! If I go any extra miles it’s because my mom instilled that desire in me to want to squeeze the fullest out of all the good experiences in life that God blesses us with. I’d much rather jump in with both feet knowing my family will benefit more from that than from me dragging my feet, etc. If I was against camping, we’d never have been able to afford such a wonderful time away…and it opened my eyes to the wonders of being out in the beautiful countryside of unfamiliar territory. Believe me, I’m more of a hothouse pansy than a cactus, but I’m so glad I was open to the change because I’m really seeing the light after this trip!

    And I thought I’d miss the computer too, but it wasn’t that bad really. We kept too busy going from early to dark each day, milking it for all it was worth!

  7. Don’t praise me too much, honey. I’m finding myself short on energy and endurance now, at 71, and for several years past. But somehow, planning a good time if children are involved, gives me a shot in the arm. Right now, one gd, age 11, wants to come for a day and make croissants AND sweet rolls AND molasses cookies! I found to my great pleasure recently that my favorite childhood cookie, molasses, was also Mary’s oldest d favorite, AND her two 11-year old cousins favorite too.

  8. Can’t help praising you highly mom, you made home “sweet” for all of us, and I’m not just talking about all your delectable goodies year round. 🙂 I’m so glad my girls are old enough to have had so many great “Grammy” times to treasure.

  9. Mary, this sounds like so much fun!! I have memories from my childhood similar to this, so know that your girls will always treasure these times spent together!

    By the way, thanks for the comment about Google Reader – good to have input! 🙂

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