February 23, 2025

More on the Calling of Motherhood

Afternoon on the HillPerhaps you’re wondering why this subject is consuming two days in a row here on my blog? It’s a bit of everything. I’m feeling pulled in many directions (homeschooling, church, writing) and being convicted on one. Motherhood. So easy to get off track, at least for me. I’m realizing again, that it’s an area of my life needing protection.I’m going to quote Holly again, because she sums up my thoughts on this so nicely. For the whole post, stop in at Seeking Faithfulness.

I do also believe that our society and churches will do much better if a woman is focused first on her husband and family – but that doesn’t mean she can’t do anything else. The priorities just need to be staunchly guarded and maintained. I do also see how easy it is for young mothers to be “guilted” into serving in the local church – MORE than they are able – and as a result feel like they are constant failures: never able to give their families what they need, never able to give the church what it needs. There is “almost” this complex within the church that says “Hurry up, Mama, and get those kids into the nursery or to school age so that you can serve more. Because you know, your real ministry is here, within the church.”

I see both sides – that a husband and children are very worthwhile ministries (first ministries) AND that there are many places a woman can serve God as He leads. A mom just has such a brief time to directly impact her young children. We may *think* that we have them for 18 years, but their impressionable, moldable years are actually much fewer than that. We need to capture their hearts while they are small, and that takes time, love, and a pouring out of our lives.

That would be the key. Listening carefully to Him so that we do, indeed, know “Where He Leads,” for the different stages of our lives.

He Leadeth Me
~a snippet~

Lord, I would place my hand in Thine,
Nor ever murmur nor repine;
Content, whatever lot I see,
Since ’tis my God that leadeth me.

He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
By His own hand He leadeth me;
His faithful follower I would be,
For by His hand He leadeth me.

I’m excited and energized by helping out at church, it grows me in many ways and I love the bonding with church family. I just struggle with wanting everything, and knowing it’s not working out for my family. Because the more I am involved, the less excited and energized I am about homeschooling, etc.

“Never murmur, nor repine…” Ah, Lord. Am I listening, as Holly urges? Or am I too busy to listen?

4 thoughts on “More on the Calling of Motherhood

  1. Mary, this is totally off your subject. But I need your help.

    I have a friend who is going to start homeschooling her children, she has four, and her oldest is six-years-old. She is feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that curriculums out there and I told her I would ask you what curricululm is the best to use or the one that you use.

    Would you mind sharing your insights and your expertise with her?

    This is my e-mail addresss: shadowbearcat@yahoo.com. And if you are comfortable with talking to my friend about homeschooling I will give you her telephone number and/or e-mail address.

    Thank you so much!

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