March 12, 2025

Homemade Hot Chocolate Recipes

Yes, I’m a hot drink fanatic. I’ve collected some really good hot chocolate recipes over the years and decided to compile them here for you, all in one place.

First, Hot Chocolate For A Crowd. After pony rides and a pony pinata at my oldest’s six year old birthday party, we were freezing. Poor girl loves the outdoors and her birthday is in November which is coat weather or worse here in the midwest. I made a huge kettle of this brew ahead of time and had it heating on the stove…as you can imagine, its steamy warmth hit the spot for our numb fingers and frozen gullets!

Hot Chocolate For A Crowd Serves 22

  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 1/4 cups Hershey cocoa
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup hot water
  • 1 gallon milk
  • 1 TB (or more) vanilla

In a saucepan combine sugar, cocoa and salt. Gradually add hot water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly till mixture boils. Boil and stir 2 minutes. Add milk, heat to serving temperature, stirring occasionally. Do not boil! Remove from heat, add vanilla. Serve hot!

Martha Stewart’s White Hot Chocolate Serves 8

~ Mmm, rich and creamy, completely worth the effort!

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 6 cups whole milk
  • 12 ounces white chocolate, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 block of dark chocolate

Using a vegetable peeler, shave chocolate into curls; set aside. Place white chocolate in a medium heat-proof bowl; set aside. Place milk and cream in a medium saucepan set over medium heat until bubbles begin to form around edges of pan (about 4 minutes). Do not boil.

Remove mixture from the flame. Immediately pour over white chocolate. When chocolate begins to melt, gently stir to combine.

Whisk in vanilla. Continue whisking until light foam forms.

Serve immediately. Garnish with chocolate shavings or marshmallows.

Basic Hot Chocolate Serves 4

  • 6 ounces semi-sweet chocolate bits
  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • pinch cinnamon
  • whipped cream, flavored with vanilla

Melt chocolate bits in a *double boiler over hot water and stir in the cream. Heat just to boiling point, stirring constantly. Add the cinnamon, and serve in 8 ounce cups topped with whipped cream.

*I don’t own a double boiler, I simply place a metal bowl into a kettle of boiling water…works great!

Hot Cocoa Mix Makes 5 quarts

~My friend Kim makes this and gives it away at Christmas, it’s very good!

  • 11 ounces coffee creamer
  • 2 lbs Nestle Quick (powdered)
  • 1 lb powdered sugar
  • 1 eight quart container powdered milk

Mix together in a large bowl. Store in airtight containers. Will fill 5 quart size jars.

To serve: Fill cup to 1/3 full and add hot water, stir, and enjoy!

Lest you think I’m always whipping up homemade concoctions, we usually buy one of those humongous family-sized cannisters of Swiss Miss each fall. Haven’t gotten that done yet. We’ve had some chilly-cold mornings already, so I’ve been glad for the above recipes. You can bet we’ve used more than one of them these past two weeks!

43 thoughts on “Homemade Hot Chocolate Recipes

  1. Thanks for the hot chocolate recipes! I made the first one today for my daughters, who are home from Bible college for Christmas break. It was soooooo good. We put marshmallows, whipped cream and hershey’s syrup on top! As if it wasn’t sweet enough! LOL

  2. You are so welcome, Starr! I’m glad it was a hit, your additions are making my mouth water! I’m SO glad your daughters both made it home for Christmas, what a blessing! Hope your time with them seems to last long enough!

    Happy End of the Year to you and yours!

  3. There are some great receipes here!

    My wife is from Peru and recently she made me some Hot Chocolate like the one her mom used to make back in Peru instead of our typical morning coffee.

    Basically what she did was melt some chocolate nuggets made from pure, un-processed cocao and the ACAI Berry(very Healthy)in some hot water with some cinnamon sticks and at the same time she boiled some oats in some water. Then when the chocolate had melted and the oats had boiled for a few minutes she took a strainer and poured the oats mixture into it and let the water mix with the chocolate and stirred it all together. Then she added evaporated milk and sugar to taste and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. It was different but very tasty.

  4. Robert, that description makes my mouth jealous! I sometimes add evaporated milk to our hot chocolate, so I’m familiar with the richness that it adds, I’d love to try your wife’s recipe, thank you for sharing the how-to’s!

  5. Chris–thank you for the great links! Maribelle’s sounds wonderful, methinks we’re really missing out here in the mid-west!

    I really enjoyed my visit to your site, and just browsing Maribelle’s makes me want some of that iced chocolate with coconut! Yum!

  6. Great recipes! They all sound wonderful I wouldn’t mind trying a few! Do you ever make Mexican/spiced hot chocolate? It would be interesting to see what an expert like yourself would recommend. Thanks again!

  7. Oh goodness, I’m NOT an expert! These recipes came about by trial and error and because I have a family that loves hot chocolate! Even my dh drinks it in abundance during the winter time to warm up, b/c he can’t stand coffee! The only Mexican spiced hot chocolate we’ve had was some a friend brought us back from Mexico. It came in a hard block and we grated it into powder to mix with hot water. It was SO yummy! I think it was the hint of cinnamon that made it so delicious. Do you have any tips on making a copy-cat recipe for those of us who can’t get to Mexico on a regular basis! 😉

  8. Thanks to the article, it make the life of a seo/link building easier and make the commenter come back again and again. I searched for a while to find the right answer to my questions!

  9. I just recently started making hot chocolate from scratch. I can’t believe how easy it is! My favorite thing to add is Coffeemate Peppermint Mocha creamer. Then I have chocolate mint cocoa. It’s SO good!

    Alicia’s last blog post..I feel like the CDC!

  10. THanks for this:
    Basically what she did was melt some chocolate nuggets made from pure, un-processed cocao and the ACAI Berry(very Healthy)in some hot water with some cinnamon sticks and at the same time she boiled some oats in some water. Then when the chocolate had melted and the oats had boiled for a few minutes she took a strainer and poured the oats mixture into it and let the water mix with the chocolate and stirred it all together. Then she added evaporated milk and sugar to taste and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. It was different but very tasty.

    Going to add this to my acai recipe collection 🙂

  11. Mmm, I’ll have to check out your collection! It does sound delicious…

    You’re welcome, A MAMA’S BLOG! Glad you stopped by, and I know you’ll love that hot chocolate recipe! Tis delicious!

    Merry Christmas, all!

  12. Mary,
    On the White Hot Chocolate recipe there is dark chocolate listed. Do you grate that and melt it too? Or is it just for shaving on top?
    I have a daughter who avoids chocolate, but white chocolate does not give her headaches, it’s not really chocolate.

  13. Hi Cena,
    The dark chocolate is for garnish, so you could leave it out completely. So white chocolate isn’t really chocolate? That’s why it’s not my favorite! 😉

    Enjoying the holidays?

  14. Thanks for the suggestions. One question, could any of these be made for a larger crowd and kept warm in a slow cooker?

    Have a blessed Christmas!

  15. Hi RHNEE, First, what a neat spelling for your name, I love that! Yes, you can definitely do these hot chocolate recipes and keep them warm in the crock pot. That’s a great idea, things might settle, but a quick stir before serving would fix everything!

    Thanks, and you have a blessed Christmas too!

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