January 22, 2025

Spiced Oven-Dried Apple Slices

Fall is definitely in the air! And so perfect for having Cream of Asparagus Soup for lunch, baking bread ALL day, and boy do I have a recipe for you!

It’s called smelling-the-house-up-like-the-holidays-oh-my…if you have an Apple-Peeler-Corer-Slicer, this is a great way to put it to use. And the kids will be wowed. Over and over again. ;O)

Spiced Oven-dried Apple Slices

  • 4 apples, sliced with Apple/Peeler/Corer/Slicer and cut in half
  • 1 tsp cardamom seed, ground up in a coffee grinder (opt)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/4 tsp ground allspice
  • 1/2 fresh nutmeg, ground (or just cheat and use ground nutmeg–about 1/2 tsp)
  • 5 tsp sugar
  1. Put cardamom seed into a coffee grinder and grind till fine–add rest of sugar and spices and give a couple of whirls to mix into a fine powder.
  2. Lay parchment paper on 2 cookie sheets/pans.
  3. In storage bag, add spices and apples and toss gently to coat, shaking excess spices off. Place on parchment in a single layer.
  4. Dry in a 250 degree F oven for 1-3 hours depending on how juicy the apples are.
  5. They come out sweet, crisp and tart.
  6. Store in an airtight container–if you have any left after the kid attack!

Nothing so wonderful as having a day at home, all together, wearin’ our long johns and sweatshirts and baking to capture the warm fuzzies. ‘Course, with all this extra baking we were still doing schoolwork at 7 pm…but, ya know, we’re homeschoolers. We get to do these things. ;O)

Love to you all,


5 thoughts on “Spiced Oven-Dried Apple Slices

  1. Amy, it alone was worth the wonderful-gut-smelling house! ;O) (Nope, I haven’t been reading Amish novels lately, not sure where that came from!) Thanks for the update on your blog! I got the facebook update, just haven’t gotten around to fixing my blogroll!

  2. I made two batches of these this week and they are both gone! I’m so glad I found your site googling for apple recipes. I wonder if you’ve tried freezing these – does that work well? I would love to have a few batches I my freeze. 🙂 God’s Peace, Melissa

    1. Mmm, doesn’t the house smell great when these are baking? Glad you liked them, Melissa. Since they are dried, they can just be kept in your cupboard for a long time. I know I’ve kept home-dried apple slices for a year now in my cupboard, and they still taste great. Haven’t ever had enough of these spiced ones left to keep overly long in storage though. I don’t know why they wouldn’t last well in the freezer. You might keep us in the know if you go ahead and try freezing!

      God’s blessings to you too!

  3. I’ve been wanting to make my own since my 18mo likes the store bought cinnamon dried apples, but I don’t like the thought of the possible chemicals that are used to process them. Thanks so much for posting because I haven’t been able to find the “right” recipe until now!!! I can’t wait to try this recipe!

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