February 5, 2025

Thoughts on Homemaking

The homemaker in me really comes to life with the arrival of fall. The pantry must include extras of the following essentials: cinnamon, brown sugar, ww/white/bread flours, instant vanilla pudding, quick oats, choc. chips… My butter and cream cheese supply morphs into overstock, because to run out is unthinkable! You see, the arrival of fall at my house means baking! Cheesecakes, pies, cookies, breads…today, cinnamon rolls. It’s like an addiction.

If only the addiction would overflow into fall cleaning. You won’t read much on my blog about my housekeeping skills. True, that I get a little insane when the clutter level threatens to topple any visiting adults, and true that I get to claim somewhat of an exemption because we homeschool.

Still, I painted a small plaque and hung it just inside my kitchen doorway…it reads: My house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it!  

Dh is more comfortable with the “lived in look”. What, honey, you enjoy having to search all surfaces for the elusive remote? See, I used to be obsessive about the remote always being on the top righthand corner of our coffee table. Before kids. Before homeschooling. Talk about free time. Back when I washed the walls regularly.

I do make our bed every day. And the girls and I keep up with the dishes. Dirty bathrooms really yank my chain, so ours (we only have one, thankfully!) is usually decent. Dust…you’ll find it. My back porch aka “mud room” is usually heaping with “stuff”. One of the long counters in my kitchen is usually hiding under the kid’s crafts and schoolwork. And mail. The toaster is back there somewhere.

Please don’t send me to Flylady. I think she has great ideas but I’ve been obsessive about cleaning  before and I’m really not looking to revert!

I’d rather be obsessive about things that interest me…my family, my friends (including you all here in the blogosphere)…and baking. After all, I truly love a clean house, but it lasts only an hour tops around here.  And I really don’t want my children to remember their mom as someone who killed herself, and all her time cleaning house.

I really don’t want them to remember me as an internet junkie either. But at least they’ll remember my kitchen full of good tastes and smells!

7 thoughts on “Thoughts on Homemaking

  1. It’s interesting to look at what’s important and what can really stress you out! There are definitely some tasks that are never “done” and no matter how many times you are “done” with them, they no sooner are there to do again.

  2. This post — all my thoughts to a T! Sometimes I start to feel a tad irritated about an imperfectly kept house, and then I (and DH) remind myslef what is really important to me and the rest of the family. Time is precious, why spend it ALL cleaning?

  3. Mary you said, “I really don’t want my children to remember their mom as someone who killed herself, and all her time cleaning house.” No worries there in my house, but in the area of

    “I really don’t want them to remember me as an internet junkie either.” I’m guilty, though trying to recover from my addiction! 🙂

  4. Oh I love this post! I am so excited about Fall too! Though I am a month away from delivering a baby, I must bake, I must clean, and I must have pumpkin spice candles, LOL!


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