March 14, 2025

Written By An Eight Year Old

Below you’ll find my oldest’s first poem written on November 2nd, 2006.

I called her to dinner the other night, and she begged for me to hold the meal a couple minutes. Not long after, she came in brandishing the first half of this poem. It had suddenly come to her and she had to jot it down before she forgot. After dinner, she finished it.

Seems she’s full of new songs lately…it’s pretty sweet. She turns nine on Monday.

My Great Lord

I wish I may, Oh God I pray

To see my need through every day!

I love you Lord with all my heart,

You see my need from day to dark!

Oh Lord, you made the great sea blue,

Oh Lord, oh Lord, I really love you!

You see the things I do each day,

Oh Lord you always hear me pray!

Oh Lord you love me, I know you do,

Oh Lord, oh Lord, I love you too!

10 thoughts on “Written By An Eight Year Old

  1. Touching picture of a family living in Christ. Your child has been properly and richly nourished and reflects her upbringing in this poem. I wish…
    Well, she is a good witness of Your home and your efforts.
    BTW, when is her birthday? My oldest son was born on Dec. 7th 1997. It seems we are the same age as mums 🙂

  2. Wow! That’s a great poem, she sounds so grown up! It’s been really neat seeing her mature in just the last couple of months in our Bible study. She always has so many great insights to share. Sometimes I think she should teach the lesson! Anyway, happy birthday to her!

  3. I printing that off to read to the girls today…that is just beautiful. Tell her we said so! BTW, it’s a “go” with the boys…keep praying!

  4. Aw…all your compliments really humble me. She is sooo what she is by the grace of God. I’ll have to show her the comments…

    Jana, it’s a “go”! PTL! We’re praying! And praying!

  5. Dare I even dream that my son will have this sort of passion for the Lord in five short years? Oh I pray that it will be so. What a blessing, reading it must have just filled your heart as it did mine.

    Mrs. Meg Logan

  6. Thank you for your sweet comments! She’s always had a sensitivity toward things spiritual. Moreso than my six year old. I hope and pray we can continue to cultivate it.

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